Last updated: 2022-04-07

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: Fetal-Gene-Program-snRNAseq/

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 78db7d6 neda-mehdiabadi 2022-04-07 wflow_publish(c("analysis/Rmd", "data/txt", "data/",


Load libraries and functions

Loading required package: limma
Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: BiocGenerics

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
The following object is masked from 'package:limma':

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colnames,
    dirname,, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter, Find, get, grep,
    grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, Map, mapply, match, mget,
    order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, Position, rank,
    rbind, Reduce, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply,
    union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor

    Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
    'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
    'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
Loading required package: IRanges
Loading required package: S4Vectors

Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    expand.grid, I, unname
Attaching SeuratObject
Loading required package: Matrix

Attaching package: 'Matrix'
The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':

Loading required package: MatrixGenerics
Loading required package: matrixStats

Attaching package: 'matrixStats'
The following objects are masked from 'package:Biobase':

    anyMissing, rowMedians

Attaching package: 'MatrixGenerics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:matrixStats':

    colAlls, colAnyNAs, colAnys, colAvgsPerRowSet, colCollapse,
    colCounts, colCummaxs, colCummins, colCumprods, colCumsums,
    colDiffs, colIQRDiffs, colIQRs, colLogSumExps, colMadDiffs,
    colMads, colMaxs, colMeans2, colMedians, colMins, colOrderStats,
    colProds, colQuantiles, colRanges, colRanks, colSdDiffs, colSds,
    colSums2, colTabulates, colVarDiffs, colVars, colWeightedMads,
    colWeightedMeans, colWeightedMedians, colWeightedSds,
    colWeightedVars, rowAlls, rowAnyNAs, rowAnys, rowAvgsPerColSet,
    rowCollapse, rowCounts, rowCummaxs, rowCummins, rowCumprods,
    rowCumsums, rowDiffs, rowIQRDiffs, rowIQRs, rowLogSumExps,
    rowMadDiffs, rowMads, rowMaxs, rowMeans2, rowMedians, rowMins,
    rowOrderStats, rowProds, rowQuantiles, rowRanges, rowRanks,
    rowSdDiffs, rowSds, rowSums2, rowTabulates, rowVarDiffs, rowVars,
    rowWeightedMads, rowWeightedMeans, rowWeightedMedians,
    rowWeightedSds, rowWeightedVars
The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':


Attaching package: 'DelayedArray'
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    aperm, apply, rowsum, scale, sweep
Loading required package: SingleCellExperiment
Loading required package: SummarizedExperiment
Loading required package: GenomicRanges
Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb

Attaching package: 'SummarizedExperiment'
The following object is masked from 'package:SeuratObject':

The following object is masked from 'package:Seurat':


Attaching package: 'SingleCellExperiment'
The following object is masked from 'package:edgeR':

Loading required package: scuttle
Loading required package: pkgmaker
Loading required package: registry

Attaching package: 'pkgmaker'
The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':

Loading required package: rngtools
Loading required package: cluster
NMF - BioConductor layer [OK] | Shared memory capabilities [NO: synchronicity] | Cores 31/32
  To enable shared memory capabilities, try: install.extras('

Attaching package: 'NMF'
The following object is masked from 'package:DelayedArray':

The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':

Loading required package: ggraph

Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:GenomicRanges':

    intersect, setdiff, union
The following object is masked from 'package:GenomeInfoDb':

The following object is masked from 'package:matrixStats':

The following object is masked from 'package:AnnotationDbi':

The following objects are masked from 'package:IRanges':

    collapse, desc, intersect, setdiff, slice, union
The following objects are masked from 'package:S4Vectors':

    first, intersect, rename, setdiff, setequal, union
The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':

The following objects are masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':

    combine, intersect, setdiff, union
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Load the data

targets <- read.delim("data/targets.txt",header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
targets$FileName2 <- paste(targets$FileName,"/",sep="")
targets$Group_ID2 <- gsub("LV_","",targets$Group_ID)
group <- c("fetal_1","fetal_2","fetal_3",
m <- match(group, targets$Group_ID2)
targets <- targets[m,]
fetal.integrated <- readRDS(file="/group/card2/Neda/MCRI_LAB/single_cell_nuclei_rnaseq/Porello-heart-snRNAseq/output/RDataObjects/fetal-int.Rds")
##note: nd.integrated is also an integrated form of young heart samples. young.integrated has already been published in Sim et al., 2021
nd.integrated <- readRDS(file="/group/card2/Neda/MCRI_LAB/single_cell_nuclei_rnaseq/Porello-heart-snRNAseq/output/RDataObjects/nd-int.Rds")

dcm.integrated <- readRDS(file="/group/card2/Neda/MCRI_LAB/single_cell_nuclei_rnaseq/Porello-heart-snRNAseq/output/RDataObjects/dcm-int.Rds")
# Load unfiltered counts matrix for every sample (object all)

Set default clustering resolution

# Default 0.3
Idents(fetal.integrated) <- fetal.integrated$integrated_snn_res.0.3
DimPlot(fetal.integrated, reduction = "tsne",label=TRUE,label.size = 6)+NoLegend()

# Default 0.3
Idents(nd.integrated) <- nd.integrated$integrated_snn_res.0.3
DimPlot(nd.integrated, reduction = "tsne",label=TRUE,label.size = 6)+NoLegend()

# Default 0.3
Idents(dcm.integrated) <- dcm.integrated$integrated_snn_res.0.3
DimPlot(dcm.integrated, reduction = "tsne",label=TRUE,label.size = 6)+NoLegend()

Merge all data together

# This data has already been generated and saved as the heart object.
heart <- merge(fetal.integrated, y = c(nd.integrated, dcm.integrated), project = "heart")
heart <- readRDS("/group/card2/Neda/MCRI_LAB/must-do-projects/EnzoPorrelloLab/dilated-cardiomyopathy/data/heart-int-FND-filtered.Rds")
Idents(heart) <- heart$Broad_celltype

Fetal    ND   DCM 
27760 16964 32712 

Remove Er and CM(Prlf) cells

heart <- subset(heart,subset = Broad_celltype != "Er")
heart <- subset(heart,subset = Broad_celltype != "CM(Prlf)")
heart$biorep <- factor(heart$biorep,levels=c("f1","f2","f3","nd1","nd2","nd3","d1","d2","d3","d4"))
             f1   f2   f3  nd1  nd2  nd3   d1   d2   d3   d4
  Er          0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
  CM(Prlf)    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
  CM       4639 7146 4548 1073 2221 4456 2925 2025 4093 1247
  Endo      735  715 1298  511  462  550  880 3099  850  781
  Pericyte  564  425  404  613  280  260  822 1075  506  468
  Fib      1029  755 1201 1622 1688  805 3151 2404 1598 1832
  Immune    287  274  196  337  808  731  442 1501  815 1053
  Neuron    109  130  110  207   71  133  189  120   95   47
  Smc        54   20  136   59   28   49  296  173  162   63

Get gene annotation

[11] "GENETYPE"     "GO"           "GOALL"        "IPI"          "MAP"         
[16] "OMIM"         "ONTOLOGY"     "ONTOLOGYALL"  "PATH"         "PFAM"        
[21] "PMID"         "PROSITE"      "REFSEQ"       "SYMBOL"       "UCSCKG"      
[26] "UNIPROT"     
DefaultAssay(heart) <- "RNA"
ann <- AnnotationDbi:::select(,keys=rownames(all),columns=c("SYMBOL","ENTREZID","ENSEMBL","GENENAME","CHR"),keytype = "SYMBOL")
Warning in .deprecatedColsMessage(): Accessing gene location information via 'CHR','CHRLOC','CHRLOCEND' is
  deprecated. Please use a range based accessor like genes(), or select()
  with columns values like TXCHROM and TXSTART on a TxDb or OrganismDb
  object instead.
'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
m <- match(rownames(all),ann$SYMBOL)
ann <- ann[m,]

mito <- grep("mitochondrial",ann$GENENAME)
[1] 224
ribo <- grep("ribosomal",ann$GENENAME)
[1] 197
missingEZID <- which($ENTREZID))
[1] 10976

Filter out non-informative genes

m <- match(colnames(heart),colnames(all))
all.counts <- all[,m]
chuck <- unique(c(mito,ribo,missingEZID))
[1] 11318
all.counts.keep <- all.counts[-chuck,]
ann.keep <- ann[-chuck,]

# remove x y genes

xy <- ann.keep$CHR %in% c("X","Y")
all.counts.keep <- all.counts.keep[!xy,]
ann.keep <- ann.keep[!xy,]
numzero.genes <- rowSums(all.counts.keep==0)

table(numzero.genes > (ncol(all.counts.keep)-20))

18177  3456 
keep.genes <- numzero.genes < (ncol(all.counts.keep)-20)
 3492 18141 
all.keep <- all.counts.keep[keep.genes,]
[1] 18141 74451
ann.keep <- ann.keep[keep.genes,]




Create pseudobulk samples

broadct <- factor(heart$Broad_celltype)
sam <- factor(heart$biorep,levels=c("f1","f2","f3","nd1","nd2","nd3","d1","d2","d3","d4"))
newgrp <- paste(broadct,sam,sep=".")
newgrp <- factor(newgrp,levels=paste(rep(levels(broadct),each=10),levels(sam),sep="."))
       CM.f1        CM.f2        CM.f3       CM.nd1       CM.nd2       CM.nd3 
        4639         7146         4548         1073         2221         4456 
       CM.d1        CM.d2        CM.d3        CM.d4      Endo.f1      Endo.f2 
        2925         2025         4093         1247          735          715 
     Endo.f3     Endo.nd1     Endo.nd2     Endo.nd3      Endo.d1      Endo.d2 
        1298          511          462          550          880         3099 
     Endo.d3      Endo.d4  Pericyte.f1  Pericyte.f2  Pericyte.f3 Pericyte.nd1 
         850          781          564          425          404          613 
Pericyte.nd2 Pericyte.nd3  Pericyte.d1  Pericyte.d2  Pericyte.d3  Pericyte.d4 
         280          260          822         1075          506          468 
      Fib.f1       Fib.f2       Fib.f3      Fib.nd1      Fib.nd2      Fib.nd3 
        1029          755         1201         1622         1688          805 
      Fib.d1       Fib.d2       Fib.d3       Fib.d4    Immune.f1    Immune.f2 
        3151         2404         1598         1832          287          274 
   Immune.f3   Immune.nd1   Immune.nd2   Immune.nd3    Immune.d1    Immune.d2 
         196          337          808          731          442         1501 
   Immune.d3    Immune.d4    Neuron.f1    Neuron.f2    Neuron.f3   Neuron.nd1 
         815         1053          109          130          110          207 
  Neuron.nd2   Neuron.nd3    Neuron.d1    Neuron.d2    Neuron.d3    Neuron.d4 
          71          133          189          120           95           47 
      Smc.f1       Smc.f2       Smc.f3      Smc.nd1      Smc.nd2      Smc.nd3 
          54           20          136           59           28           49 
      Smc.d1       Smc.d2       Smc.d3       Smc.d4 
         296          173          162           63 
des <- model.matrix(~0+newgrp)
colnames(des) <- levels(newgrp)

[1] 74451    70
pb <- all.keep %*% des
y.pb <- DGEList(pb)
saminfo <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(colnames(y.pb$counts),split="[.]")),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
bct <- factor(saminfo[,1])
indiv <- factor(saminfo[,2])
group <- rep(NA,ncol(y.pb))
group[grep("f",indiv)] <- "Fetal"
group[grep("nd",indiv)] <- "ND"
group[grep("^d",indiv)] <- "DCM"
group <- factor(group,levels=c("Fetal","ND","DCM"))
targets.pb <- data.frame(bct,indiv,group)
targets.pb$Sex <- c("Male","Male","Female","Male","Female","Male","Male","Female","Female","Female")
sexgroup <- paste(group,targets.pb$Sex,sep=".")



Differential expression analysis


y.pb$genes <- ann.keep

bct2 <- as.character(bct)
bct2[bct2 == "CM"] <- "cardio"
bct2[bct2 == "Endo"] <- "endo"
bct2[bct2 == "Pericyte"] <- "peri"
bct2[bct2 == "Fib"] <- "fibro"
bct2[bct2 == "Immune"] <- "immune"
bct2[bct2 == "Neuron"] <- "neurons"
bct2[bct2 == "Smc"] <- "smc"

newgrp <- paste(bct2,group,targets.pb$Sex,sep=".")
newgrp <- factor(newgrp)

design <- model.matrix(~0+newgrp)
colnames(design) <- levels(newgrp)

v <- voom(y.pb,design,plot=TRUE,normalize.method = "cyclicloess")

fit <- lmFit(v,design)


cont.cardio <- makeContrasts(NvF = 0.5*(cardio.ND.Male + cardio.ND.Female) - 0.5*(cardio.Fetal.Male + cardio.Fetal.Female),
                         DvF = 0.5*(cardio.DCM.Male + cardio.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(cardio.Fetal.Male + cardio.Fetal.Female),
                         DvN = 0.5*(cardio.DCM.Male + cardio.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(cardio.ND.Male + cardio.ND.Female),
                         SexFetal = cardio.Fetal.Male - cardio.Fetal.Female,
                         SexND = cardio.ND.Male - cardio.ND.Female,
                         SexDCM = cardio.DCM.Male - cardio.DCM.Female,
                         InteractionDF = (cardio.DCM.Male - cardio.Fetal.Male) - (cardio.DCM.Female - cardio.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionNF = (cardio.ND.Male - cardio.Fetal.Male) - (cardio.ND.Female - cardio.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionDN = (cardio.DCM.Male - cardio.ND.Male) - (cardio.DCM.Female - cardio.ND.Female),
fit.cardio <-,contrasts = cont.cardio)
fit.cardio <- eBayes(fit.cardio,robust=TRUE)

         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down    2458  3490  1239      129   134   1617           807            25
NotSig 13023 10503 15068    17989 17979  14439         16103         18084
Up      2660  4148  1834       23    28   2085          1231            32
Down             370
NotSig         16903
Up               868
treat.cardio <- treat(fit.cardio,lfc=0.5)


         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     996  1522   153       72    27    340           183            10
NotSig 16059 14599 17507    18059 18112  16940         17453         18112
Up      1086  2020   481       10     2    861           505            19
Down              55
NotSig         17727
Up               359
for(i in 1:9){

barplot(summary(dt.cardio)[-2,],beside=TRUE,legend=TRUE,col=c("blue","red"),ylab="Number of significant genes",las=2,xlab="")

ND vs Fetal

                                                       GENENAME CHR logFC
IGF2BP3     insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -5.29
LINC01621           long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1621   6 -6.00
FRMD5                                  FERM domain containing 5  15 -4.24
MIR29B2CHG                         MIR29B2 and MIR29C host gene   1  4.03
IGF2BP1     insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17 -6.66
CNOT11                CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 11   2 -2.15
CFAP61                 cilia and flagella associated protein 61  20  4.94
KCNQ5      potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 5   6 -6.48
AQP7                                                aquaporin 7   9  6.10
TOGARAM2         TOG array regulator of axonemal microtubules 2   2  7.86
BMP7                               bone morphogenetic protein 7  20 -4.18
PRSS35                                       serine protease 35   6 -4.97
NCEH1                     neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1   3  4.08
TMEM178B                             transmembrane protein 178B   7  7.63
PCAT1                   prostate cancer associated transcript 1   8 -3.77
CUX2                                        cut like homeobox 2  12 -5.76
MBOAT2     membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 2   2 -3.26
LINC02008           long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2008   3 -4.26
ADAM11                          ADAM metallopeptidase domain 11  17 -4.71
THRB                              thyroid hormone receptor beta   3  5.00
           AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
IGF2BP3       4.26 -17.5 2.20e-18  3.99e-14
LINC01621    -1.84 -16.7 8.38e-18  7.61e-14
FRMD5         5.90 -15.1 1.48e-16  7.93e-13
MIR29B2CHG    6.62  15.0 1.75e-16  7.93e-13
IGF2BP1       1.43 -14.4 5.63e-16  2.04e-12
CNOT11        5.21 -14.2 9.33e-16  2.82e-12
CFAP61        3.91  13.8 1.94e-15  4.66e-12
KCNQ5         5.85 -13.8 2.05e-15  4.66e-12
AQP7          3.88  13.6 3.14e-15  6.34e-12
TOGARAM2      2.40  13.1 9.15e-15  1.66e-11
BMP7          2.14 -12.6 2.45e-14  3.76e-11
PRSS35        1.23 -12.6 2.49e-14  3.76e-11
NCEH1         5.56  12.5 3.01e-14  4.20e-11
TMEM178B      4.71  12.2 5.55e-14  7.19e-11
PCAT1         5.39 -12.1 7.05e-14  8.53e-11
CUX2          3.07 -11.9 1.04e-13  1.17e-10
MBOAT2        6.18 -11.9 1.10e-13  1.17e-10
LINC02008     2.90 -11.6 1.96e-13  1.88e-10
ADAM11        1.91 -11.6 1.96e-13  1.88e-10
THRB          6.99  11.6 2.26e-13  2.05e-10

DCM vs Fetal

                                                       GENENAME CHR logFC
IGF2BP3     insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -5.80
MIR29B2CHG                         MIR29B2 and MIR29C host gene   1  4.72
CFAP61                 cilia and flagella associated protein 61  20  6.12
LINC01621           long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1621   6 -5.79
MET                MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase   7  5.08
RSBN1                           round spermatid basic protein 1   1  2.27
KCNQ5      potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 5   6 -7.27
FRMD5                                  FERM domain containing 5  15 -4.03
BMP7                               bone morphogenetic protein 7  20 -5.55
UBE2QL1         ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 Q family like 1   5  4.21
IGF2BP1     insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17 -6.41
FYTTD1                      forty-two-three domain containing 1   3  2.56
DIAPH1                              diaphanous related formin 1   5  3.83
DENND2C                               DENN domain containing 2C   1  3.38
SGMS2                                  sphingomyelin synthase 2   4  4.44
SPTBN4                        spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 4  19  3.44
ASCC2        activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 2  22  2.18
ABHD2      abhydrolase domain containing 2, acylglycerol lipase  15  4.86
PRSS35                                       serine protease 35   6 -5.26
AQP7                                                aquaporin 7   9  5.91
           AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
IGF2BP3       4.26 -19.3 1.24e-19  2.25e-15
MIR29B2CHG    6.62  18.8 2.51e-19  2.28e-15
CFAP61        3.91  18.4 5.10e-19  3.08e-15
LINC01621    -1.84 -16.8 7.70e-18  3.49e-14
MET           2.88  15.5 7.36e-17  1.84e-13
RSBN1         5.85  15.5 7.39e-17  1.84e-13
KCNQ5         5.85 -15.5 7.96e-17  1.84e-13
FRMD5         5.90 -15.4 9.04e-17  1.84e-13
BMP7          2.14 -15.4 9.13e-17  1.84e-13
UBE2QL1       2.16  15.3 1.07e-16  1.94e-13
IGF2BP1       1.43 -15.2 1.31e-16  2.16e-13
FYTTD1        5.51  14.9 2.14e-16  3.23e-13
DIAPH1        6.60  14.7 3.21e-16  4.48e-13
DENND2C       4.45  14.5 4.97e-16  6.44e-13
SGMS2         4.84  14.4 5.86e-16  7.08e-13
SPTBN4        3.34  14.0 1.42e-15  1.61e-12
ASCC2         5.60  13.8 2.14e-15  2.28e-12
ABHD2         7.11  13.5 3.58e-15  3.61e-12
PRSS35        1.23 -13.4 4.74e-15  4.53e-12
AQP7          3.88  13.1 8.14e-15  7.24e-12


                                                              GENENAME CHR
RSBN1                                  round spermatid basic protein 1   1
MYH9                                              myosin heavy chain 9  22
DAPK3                                death associated protein kinase 3  19
WEE1                                         WEE1 G2 checkpoint kinase  11
ABCG2   ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (Junior blood group)   4
MFN2                                                       mitofusin 2   1
UBE2QL1                ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 Q family like 1   5
FYTTD1                             forty-two-three domain containing 1   3
DNAJA4                DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A4  15
EIF2AK3      eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3   2
ASB2                          ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 2  14
BMPR1A                     bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1A  10
CYP2J2                   cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily J member 2   1
ACTN4                                                  actinin alpha 4  19
ATRNL1                                                attractin like 1  10
LMTK2                                          lemur tyrosine kinase 2   7
PER2                                      period circadian regulator 2   2
RUBCN                                      rubicon autophagy regulator   3
RAB21                                RAB21, member RAS oncogene family  12
OXCT1                                      3-oxoacid CoA-transferase 1   5
        logFC AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
RSBN1    2.09    5.85 12.95 1.12e-14  1.69e-10
MYH9     2.64    7.95 12.71 1.86e-14  1.69e-10
DAPK3    2.54    5.58 11.55 2.41e-13  1.31e-09
WEE1     2.99    4.88 11.48 2.88e-13  1.31e-09
ABCG2    3.96    4.52 11.17 5.80e-13  2.10e-09
MFN2     1.96    5.35 10.33 4.24e-12  1.28e-08
UBE2QL1  2.90    2.16 10.09 7.63e-12  1.98e-08
FYTTD1   1.87    5.51  9.63 2.40e-11  5.44e-08
DNAJA4   2.96    3.63  9.55 2.97e-11  5.98e-08
EIF2AK3  3.09    6.74  9.34 5.06e-11  9.17e-08
ASB2     3.88    3.36  9.14 8.61e-11  1.35e-07
BMPR1A   1.83    8.04  9.12 8.90e-11  1.35e-07
CYP2J2   3.51    3.62  9.03 1.14e-10  1.60e-07
ACTN4    2.04    7.78  8.83 1.91e-10  2.47e-07
ATRNL1   5.60    4.26  8.81 2.05e-10  2.48e-07
LMTK2    1.45    6.17  8.55 4.04e-10  4.59e-07
PER2     3.07    4.94  8.48 4.88e-10  5.20e-07
RUBCN    1.80    5.87  8.41 5.77e-10  5.81e-07
RAB21    1.68    6.53  8.37 6.56e-10  6.26e-07
OXCT1    2.37    6.31  8.34 6.98e-10  6.33e-07

Male vs Female in Fetal samples

                                                          GENENAME CHR logFC
BMP10                                bone morphogenetic protein 10   2 -8.81
ZNF385B                                   zinc finger protein 385B   2 -4.13
FLG-AS1                                        FLG antisense RNA 1   1  3.62
APOA2                                            apolipoprotein A2   1 -4.30
SYNPR                                                 synaptoporin   3 -3.64
SHOX2                                     short stature homeobox 2   3 -6.81
FGB                                          fibrinogen beta chain   4 -3.98
SLC5A12                          solute carrier family 5 member 12  11 -5.03
CDH10                                                  cadherin 10   5 -4.03
GSG1L                                                    GSG1 like  16 -4.16
EPHA4                                              EPH receptor A4   2 -3.38
VWDE                       von Willebrand factor D and EGF domains   7 -3.92
NTM                                                    neurotrimin  11 -3.42
IRF4                                interferon regulatory factor 4   6 -3.64
PLCB1                                       phospholipase C beta 1  20 -3.13
TUSC8                                 tumor suppressor candidate 8  13 -4.20
TDGF1                      teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1   3  7.13
CHST13                            carbohydrate sulfotransferase 13   3  4.16
GNAO1                                   G protein subunit alpha o1  16 -4.53
KCNJ3   potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 3   2 -5.86
        AveExpr      t  P.Value adj.P.Val
BMP10    -1.817 -15.40 9.09e-17  1.65e-12
ZNF385B   3.514 -10.70 1.74e-12  1.58e-08
FLG-AS1   5.463   9.44 3.93e-11  2.38e-07
APOA2    -2.107  -8.66 3.01e-10  1.17e-06
SYNPR     2.256  -8.63 3.22e-10  1.17e-06
SHOX2     0.382  -7.62 5.23e-09  1.58e-05
FGB      -2.137  -7.52 6.60e-09  1.71e-05
SLC5A12   0.082  -7.39 9.76e-09  2.21e-05
CDH10     1.059  -7.22 1.55e-08  3.12e-05
GSG1L     2.274  -7.11 2.14e-08  3.58e-05
EPHA4     5.297  -7.10 2.17e-08  3.58e-05
VWDE      0.683  -7.01 2.80e-08  4.23e-05
NTM       5.453  -6.72 6.44e-08  8.77e-05
IRF4      0.196  -6.70 6.77e-08  8.77e-05
PLCB1     8.801  -6.41 1.56e-07  1.88e-04
TUSC8    -1.739  -6.38 1.73e-07  1.92e-04
TDGF1    -0.891   6.38 1.80e-07  1.92e-04
CHST13   -1.380   6.19 2.98e-07  3.00e-04
GNAO1     3.968  -6.16 3.25e-07  3.11e-04
KCNJ3     1.490  -6.06 4.44e-07  3.97e-04

Male vs Female in ND samples

                                                   GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
SH2D5                               SH2 domain containing 5   1 -4.62 -2.1310
LINC02506       long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2506   4 -5.03  0.7491
SLC38A8                   solute carrier family 38 member 8  16 -5.64  0.0475
ERVH-1               endogenous retrovirus group H member 1   4 -4.34 -1.4055
ABCC3             ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 3  17 -3.55  2.0443
C4orf54                  chromosome 4 open reading frame 54   4 -4.59 -1.0228
DSCAM                             DS cell adhesion molecule  21 -2.92  3.3473
HMGCS2            3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2   1 -4.75 -0.4537
LINC01147       long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1147  14 -4.48 -1.3744
ELOVL6                          ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6   4 -2.37  4.7006
MCTP2     multiple C2 and transmembrane domain containing 2  15 -3.93  3.1142
LINC02542       long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2542   6 -2.56  2.0989
NECTIN1                     nectin cell adhesion molecule 1  11 -1.90  3.3294
RALYL                         RALY RNA binding protein like   8 -3.03  4.3428
EHD3                                 EH domain containing 3   2 -2.41  3.0910
CHST13                     carbohydrate sulfotransferase 13   3  3.58 -1.3800
LINC00326        long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 326   6 -3.70 -1.7428
ARRDC4                         arrestin domain containing 4  15 -2.67  3.1326
LUCAT1                  lung cancer associated transcript 1   5 -4.20  2.9465
MRGPRX2                    MAS related GPR family member X2  11 -3.35 -1.4578
              t  P.Value adj.P.Val
SH2D5     -9.12 9.08e-11  1.65e-06
LINC02506 -7.85 2.67e-09  2.42e-05
SLC38A8   -7.60 5.47e-09  3.31e-05
ERVH-1    -6.58 9.72e-08  4.41e-04
ABCC3     -5.89 7.14e-07  2.42e-03
C4orf54   -5.85 8.00e-07  2.42e-03
DSCAM     -5.65 1.44e-06  3.60e-03
HMGCS2    -5.62 1.59e-06  3.60e-03
LINC01147 -5.42 2.82e-06  5.46e-03
ELOVL6    -5.40 3.01e-06  5.46e-03
MCTP2     -5.36 3.33e-06  5.49e-03
LINC02542 -4.98 1.02e-05  1.54e-02
NECTIN1   -4.80 1.71e-05  2.20e-02
RALYL     -4.78 1.82e-05  2.20e-02
EHD3      -4.76 1.92e-05  2.20e-02
CHST13     4.76 1.94e-05  2.20e-02
LINC00326 -4.74 2.08e-05  2.22e-02
ARRDC4    -4.66 2.62e-05  2.64e-02
LUCAT1    -4.60 3.18e-05  3.03e-02
MRGPRX2   -4.47 4.47e-05  3.71e-02

Male vs Female in DCM samples

                                                           GENENAME CHR logFC
RSBN1                               round spermatid basic protein 1   1  3.44
C4orf54                          chromosome 4 open reading frame 54   4  7.32
MYH9                                           myosin heavy chain 9  22  3.52
ATP6V1FNB                                          ATP6V1F neighbor   7  8.14
ATP6V1F                         ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit F   7  5.88
DNAJA4             DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A4  15  4.19
MAPK8IP3   mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 3  16  2.45
FYTTD1                          forty-two-three domain containing 1   3  2.37
USP47                               ubiquitin specific peptidase 47  11  1.84
USP12                               ubiquitin specific peptidase 12  13  2.84
EIF2AK3   eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3   2  3.73
ADIPOQ              adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing   3  5.44
PI4KB                            phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta   1  2.68
C3orf52                          chromosome 3 open reading frame 52   3  4.51
LINC01632               long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1632   1  6.38
MBD4                   methyl-CpG binding domain 4, DNA glycosylase   3  2.56
ASCC2            activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 2  22  2.10
CNN1                                                     calponin 1  19  6.14
HIRA                                   histone cell cycle regulator  22  2.35
KCP                              kielin cysteine rich BMP regulator   7  5.15
          AveExpr    t  P.Value adj.P.Val
RSBN1       5.854 20.9 1.11e-20  2.02e-16
C4orf54    -1.023 18.2 7.10e-19  6.44e-15
MYH9        7.950 16.1 2.24e-17  1.36e-13
ATP6V1FNB   0.191 15.0 1.98e-16  8.74e-13
ATP6V1F     3.401 14.9 2.41e-16  8.74e-13
DNAJA4      3.630 13.4 4.71e-15  1.42e-11
MAPK8IP3    6.341 13.1 8.65e-15  2.24e-11
FYTTD1      5.506 11.1 6.62e-13  1.28e-09
USP47       8.319 11.1 6.68e-13  1.28e-09
USP12       6.781 11.1 7.04e-13  1.28e-09
EIF2AK3     6.738 10.9 1.02e-12  1.67e-09
ADIPOQ     -1.058 10.9 1.11e-12  1.67e-09
PI4KB       5.697 10.7 1.60e-12  2.23e-09
C3orf52     3.165 10.7 1.87e-12  2.43e-09
LINC01632   0.304 10.6 2.33e-12  2.81e-09
MBD4        4.719 10.6 2.51e-12  2.84e-09
ASCC2       5.603 10.4 3.23e-12  3.33e-09
CNN1        3.415 10.4 3.31e-12  3.33e-09
HIRA        4.442 10.3 4.24e-12  4.04e-09
KCP         2.458 10.3 4.80e-12  4.35e-09

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and Fetal

                                                                GENENAME CHR
RSBN1                                    round spermatid basic protein 1   1
BMP10                                      bone morphogenetic protein 10   2
MYH9                                                myosin heavy chain 9  22
SYNPR                                                       synaptoporin   3
ZDHHC2                      zinc finger DHHC-type palmitoyltransferase 2   8
MAPK8IP3        mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 3  16
ZNF385B                                         zinc finger protein 385B   2
LINC01411                    long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1411   5
HS3ST3A1              heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 3A1  17
DNAJA4                  DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A4  15
HIRA                                        histone cell cycle regulator  22
USP47                                    ubiquitin specific peptidase 47  11
ABCG2     ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (Junior blood group)   4
FLG-AS1                                              FLG antisense RNA 1   1
PAM                        peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase   5
VASH1                                                        vasohibin 1  14
EYA4                   EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 4   6
WEE1                                           WEE1 G2 checkpoint kinase  11
FGB                                                fibrinogen beta chain   4
PI4KB                                 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta   1
          logFC AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
RSBN1      3.46    5.85 12.95 1.13e-14  2.06e-10
BMP10     11.40   -1.82 12.07 8.28e-14  7.51e-10
MYH9       3.51    7.95  9.86 1.35e-11  8.17e-08
SYNPR      5.95    2.26  9.75 1.81e-11  8.20e-08
ZDHHC2     3.58    5.35  9.31 5.50e-11  1.94e-07
MAPK8IP3   2.61    6.34  9.25 6.40e-11  1.94e-07
ZNF385B    5.53    3.51  8.95 1.40e-10  3.62e-07
LINC01411  5.94    1.15  8.69 2.84e-10  5.97e-07
HS3ST3A1   8.35    2.78  8.68 2.96e-10  5.97e-07
DNAJA4     4.47    3.63  8.36 6.66e-10  1.21e-06
HIRA       2.73    4.44  8.14 1.21e-09  1.99e-06
USP47      1.96    8.32  8.08 1.40e-09  2.07e-06
ABCG2      4.64    4.52  8.07 1.48e-09  2.07e-06
FLG-AS1   -3.97    5.46 -8.03 1.62e-09  2.10e-06
PAM        3.14    8.94  7.93 2.12e-09  2.37e-06
VASH1      6.59    4.83  7.91 2.31e-09  2.37e-06
EYA4       6.75    4.62  7.91 2.33e-09  2.37e-06
WEE1       3.20    4.88  7.89 2.35e-09  2.37e-06
FGB        6.23   -2.14  7.81 3.07e-09  2.93e-06
PI4KB      2.95    5.70  7.61 5.23e-09  4.71e-06

Interaction of sex differences between ND and Fetal

                                                    GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
SYNPR                                           synaptoporin   3  4.72  2.2559
BMP10                          bone morphogenetic protein 10   2  6.51 -1.8175
SH2D5                                SH2 domain containing 5   1 -5.50 -2.1310
FLG-AS1                                  FLG antisense RNA 1   1 -3.11  5.4629
NR2F2-AS1                              NR2F2 antisense RNA 1  15  5.23  8.1192
APOA2                                      apolipoprotein A2   1  4.64 -2.1066
PLCB1                                 phospholipase C beta 1  20  4.68  8.8009
ERVH-1                endogenous retrovirus group H member 1   4 -4.44 -1.4055
MT1H                                      metallothionein 1H  16  5.90 -1.9453
A1BG-AS1                                A1BG antisense RNA 1  19  6.23  1.8006
CAMK1D        calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase ID  10  4.13  7.3127
FGB                                    fibrinogen beta chain   4  4.32 -2.1375
NTM                                              neurotrimin  11  3.99  5.4529
LINC01941        long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1941   2 -4.29 -2.0824
NECTIN1                      nectin cell adhesion molecule 1  11 -2.44  3.3294
HOGA1                    4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 1  10 -4.85 -2.0994
SLC38A8                    solute carrier family 38 member 8  16 -5.52  0.0475
NFASC                                            neurofascin   1  6.40  5.0515
JAKMIP2   janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 2   5  3.92  3.3628
SHOX2                               short stature homeobox 2   3  7.90  0.3817
              t  P.Value adj.P.Val
SYNPR      6.58 9.73e-08   0.00094
BMP10      6.55 1.08e-07   0.00094
SH2D5     -6.42 1.55e-07   0.00094
FLG-AS1   -5.89 7.03e-07   0.00299
NR2F2-AS1  5.81 9.32e-07   0.00299
APOA2      5.78 9.89e-07   0.00299
PLCB1      5.67 1.39e-06   0.00359
ERVH-1    -5.46 2.53e-06   0.00573
MT1H       5.16 6.39e-06   0.01287
A1BG-AS1   5.04 9.24e-06   0.01559
CAMK1D     4.98 1.05e-05   0.01559
FGB        4.96 1.10e-05   0.01559
NTM        4.95 1.12e-05   0.01559
LINC01941 -4.89 1.34e-05   0.01741
NECTIN1   -4.83 1.57e-05   0.01741
HOGA1     -4.83 1.62e-05   0.01741
SLC38A8   -4.79 1.87e-05   0.01741
NFASC      4.79 1.95e-05   0.01741
JAKMIP2    4.76 1.96e-05   0.01741
SHOX2      4.79 2.02e-05   0.01741

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and ND

                                                          GENENAME CHR logFC
C4orf54                         chromosome 4 open reading frame 54   4 11.91
RSBN1                              round spermatid basic protein 1   1  3.42
MYH9                                          myosin heavy chain 9  22  4.25
ASCC2           activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 2  22  2.75
DNAJA4            DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A4  15  5.05
MAPK8IP3  mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 3  16  2.62
EYA4             EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 4   6  7.21
BAG3                                             BAG cochaperone 3  10  3.42
ATP2B4                  ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 4   1  3.64
LMCD1                              LIM and cysteine rich domains 1   3  6.31
MET                   MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase   7  4.35
SPON1-AS1                                    SPON1 antisense RNA 1  11  4.20
ATP6V1FNB                                         ATP6V1F neighbor   7 10.80
ATP6V1F                        ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit F   7  5.85
USP12                              ubiquitin specific peptidase 12  13  3.10
LRRC8B             leucine rich repeat containing 8 VRAC subunit B   1  3.86
ADAM19                             ADAM metallopeptidase domain 19   5  4.42
FYTTD1                         forty-two-three domain containing 1   3  2.59
PI4KB                           phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta   1  2.98
ANKRD13A                                 ankyrin repeat domain 13A  12  2.67
          AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
C4orf54    -1.023 14.39 6.52e-16  1.18e-11
RSBN1       5.854 11.92 1.06e-13  9.64e-10
MYH9        7.950 11.16 5.91e-13  3.58e-09
ASCC2       5.603  9.13 8.77e-11  3.98e-07
DNAJA4      3.630  8.83 1.91e-10  6.92e-07
MAPK8IP3    6.341  8.64 3.18e-10  9.60e-07
EYA4        4.620  8.12 1.34e-09  3.47e-06
BAG3        4.267  7.98 1.85e-09  4.19e-06
ATP2B4      7.967  7.86 2.59e-09  4.42e-06
LMCD1       5.509  7.87 2.61e-09  4.42e-06
MET         2.883  7.85 2.68e-09  4.42e-06
SPON1-AS1   2.903  7.73 3.76e-09  5.69e-06
ATP6V1FNB   0.191  7.58 6.32e-09  8.81e-06
ATP6V1F     3.401  7.49 7.41e-09  8.88e-06
USP12       6.781  7.48 7.43e-09  8.88e-06
LRRC8B      5.691  7.45 8.10e-09  8.88e-06
ADAM19      6.786  7.44 8.32e-09  8.88e-06
FYTTD1      5.506  7.34 1.11e-08  1.08e-05
PI4KB       5.697  7.33 1.13e-08  1.08e-05
ANKRD13A    5.239  7.19 1.66e-08  1.50e-05
plot(treat.cardio$coefficients[,1],treat.cardio$coefficients[,2],xlab="logFC: ND vs Fetal", ylab="logFC: DCM vs Fetal",main="Cardiomyocytes",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <-  dt.cardio[,1] !=0 | dt.cardio[,2] != 0

plot(treat.cardio$coefficients[,4],treat.cardio$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="Cardiomyocytes: Sex differences - Fetal and ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.cardio[,4] !=0 | dt.cardio[,5] != 0

plot(treat.cardio$coefficients[,4],treat.cardio$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Cardiomyocytes: Sex differences - Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.cardio[,4] !=0 | dt.cardio[,6] != 0

plot(treat.cardio$coefficients[,5],treat.cardio$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Cardiomyocytes: Sex differences - ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.cardio[,5] !=0 | dt.cardio[,6] != 0

plot(treat.cardio$coefficients[,4],treat.cardio$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="Cardiomyocytes: Interaction term: Fetal vs ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.cardio[,8] !=0 

plot(treat.cardio$coefficients[,4],treat.cardio$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Cardiomyocytes: Interaction term: Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.cardio[,7] !=0 

plot(treat.cardio$coefficients[,5],treat.cardio$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Cardiomyocytes: Interaction term: ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.cardio[,9] !=0 


cont.peri <- makeContrasts(NvF = 0.5*(peri.ND.Male + peri.ND.Female) - 0.5*(peri.Fetal.Male + peri.Fetal.Female),
                         DvF = 0.5*(peri.DCM.Male + peri.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(peri.Fetal.Male + peri.Fetal.Female),
                         DvN = 0.5*(peri.DCM.Male + peri.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(peri.ND.Male + peri.ND.Female),
                         SexFetal = peri.Fetal.Male - peri.Fetal.Female,
                         SexND = peri.ND.Male - peri.ND.Female,
                         SexDCM = peri.DCM.Male - peri.DCM.Female,
                         InteractionDF = (peri.DCM.Male - peri.Fetal.Male) - (peri.DCM.Female - peri.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionNF = (peri.ND.Male - peri.Fetal.Male) - (peri.ND.Female - peri.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionDN = (peri.DCM.Male - peri.ND.Male) - (peri.DCM.Female - peri.ND.Female),
fit.peri <-,contrasts = cont.peri)
fit.peri <- eBayes(fit.peri,robust=TRUE)

         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down    1502  1361    20        1     0      8             0             0
NotSig 15628 15607 18101    18140 18141  18121         18140         18141
Up      1011  1173    20        0     0     12             1             0
Down               0
NotSig         18141
Up                 0
treat.peri <- treat(fit.peri,lfc=0.5)


         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     917   608     1        1     0      3             0             0
NotSig 16858 17202 18135    18140 18141  18132         18140         18141
Up       366   331     5        0     0      6             1             0
Down               0
NotSig         18141
Up                 0
for(i in 1:9){

barplot(summary(dt.peri)[-2,],beside=TRUE,legend=TRUE,col=c("blue","red"),ylab="Number of significant genes",las=2)

ND vs Fetal

                                                          GENENAME CHR logFC
IGF2BP1        insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17 -6.53
CNTNAP2                             contactin associated protein 2   7 -5.51
SULT1E1                        sulfotransferase family 1E member 1   4 -7.36
PRSS35                                          serine protease 35   6 -4.91
EGFLAM        EGF like, fibronectin type III and laminin G domains   5  3.94
FRMD3                                     FERM domain containing 3   9  2.73
IGF2BP3        insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -5.27
SCN3A                 sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 3   2  6.98
ADAMTS19 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 19   5 -7.06
ABCA5                    ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 5  17  3.34
WNT6                                           Wnt family member 6   2  7.62
SPARCL1                                               SPARC like 1   4  4.63
EFHD1                              EF-hand domain family member D1   2  4.18
FAM151A               family with sequence similarity 151 member A   1 -5.22
IGF2BP2        insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 2   3 -4.26
PIEZO2         piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2  18 -5.56
MOCS1                              molybdenum cofactor synthesis 1   6  3.06
E2F7                                    E2F transcription factor 7  12 -6.06
GDF6                               growth differentiation factor 6   8 -5.86
ADIRF                               adipogenesis regulatory factor  10  5.13
         AveExpr      t  P.Value adj.P.Val
IGF2BP1   1.4304 -10.27 5.03e-12  9.13e-08
CNTNAP2   6.4490  -9.63 2.43e-11  2.20e-07
SULT1E1  -0.0273  -9.34 5.23e-11  2.58e-07
PRSS35    1.2339  -9.30 5.69e-11  2.58e-07
EGFLAM    5.5354   9.19 7.45e-11  2.70e-07
FRMD3     7.6336   8.71 2.61e-10  7.00e-07
IGF2BP3   4.2625  -8.70 2.70e-10  7.00e-07
SCN3A     2.8488   8.62 3.46e-10  7.84e-07
ADAMTS19  4.5895  -8.55 4.13e-10  8.33e-07
ABCA5     6.0513   8.44 5.35e-10  9.52e-07
WNT6      0.4611   8.43 5.77e-10  9.52e-07
SPARCL1   8.4369   8.30 7.85e-10  1.19e-06
EFHD1     4.3005   8.16 1.13e-09  1.44e-06
FAM151A   1.4899  -8.16 1.17e-09  1.44e-06
IGF2BP2   6.8811  -8.13 1.25e-09  1.44e-06
PIEZO2    4.5298  -8.13 1.27e-09  1.44e-06
MOCS1     3.8437   8.03 1.61e-09  1.65e-06
E2F7      1.3382  -8.04 1.63e-09  1.65e-06
GDF6      0.7663  -7.98 1.92e-09  1.79e-06
ADIRF     4.3855   7.96 1.97e-09  1.79e-06

DCM vs Fetal

                                                          GENENAME CHR logFC
SULT1E1                        sulfotransferase family 1E member 1   4 -9.63
PRSS35                                          serine protease 35   6 -5.44
CNTNAP2                             contactin associated protein 2   7 -4.50
SPC24                 SPC24 component of NDC80 kinetochore complex  19 -5.25
NCAPG                        non-SMC condensin I complex subunit G   4 -6.26
IGF2BP1        insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17 -6.04
IGF2BP3        insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -4.51
SNX31                                             sorting nexin 31   8  4.77
TMEM26                                    transmembrane protein 26  10 -6.02
IGF2BP2        insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 2   3 -3.68
NXPH2                                              neurexophilin 2   2 -6.13
ADAMTS19 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 19   5 -5.64
CNGA1              cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit alpha 1   4  4.16
EMC10                       ER membrane protein complex subunit 10  19 -3.72
PIEZO2         piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2  18 -3.66
KIF18B                                   kinesin family member 18B  17 -6.48
EGFLAM        EGF like, fibronectin type III and laminin G domains   5  3.44
MUC3A                            mucin 3A, cell surface associated   7  5.33
FAM151A               family with sequence similarity 151 member A   1 -4.77
SGO1                                                   shugoshin 1   3 -5.15
         AveExpr      t  P.Value adj.P.Val
SULT1E1  -0.0273 -13.53 3.55e-15  6.44e-11
PRSS35    1.2339 -10.72 1.69e-12  1.53e-08
CNTNAP2   6.4490 -10.49 2.89e-12  1.74e-08
SPC24     1.9322 -10.38 3.85e-12  1.74e-08
NCAPG     1.5755  -9.66 2.28e-11  8.27e-08
IGF2BP1   1.4304  -9.55 3.00e-11  8.82e-08
IGF2BP3   4.2625  -9.47 3.69e-11  8.82e-08
SNX31     2.4069   9.45 3.89e-11  8.82e-08
TMEM26    0.2725  -8.47 5.03e-10  1.01e-06
IGF2BP2   6.8811  -8.35 6.93e-10  1.23e-06
NXPH2     1.1454  -8.33 7.44e-10  1.23e-06
ADAMTS19  4.5895  -8.16 1.16e-09  1.75e-06
CNGA1     2.5428   8.00 1.78e-09  2.48e-06
EMC10     6.0827  -7.93 2.13e-09  2.77e-06
PIEZO2    4.5298  -7.84 2.76e-09  3.22e-06
KIF18B    1.5040  -7.84 2.84e-09  3.22e-06
EGFLAM    5.5354   7.80 3.05e-09  3.25e-06
MUC3A     0.4008   7.76 3.42e-09  3.44e-06
FAM151A   1.4899  -7.66 4.49e-09  4.22e-06
SGO1      0.9381  -7.65 4.65e-09  4.22e-06


                                                           GENENAME CHR logFC
ACTG2                                  actin gamma 2, smooth muscle   2  7.34
SULF1                                                   sulfatase 1   8  5.02
MYH11                                         myosin heavy chain 11  16  4.74
SLC17A4                           solute carrier family 17 member 4   6 -3.28
LINC01592               long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1592   8  5.16
TNFRSF11B                       TNF receptor superfamily member 11b   8  6.01
SBSPON    somatomedin B and thrombospondin type 1 domain containing   8  3.94
PTPRZ1                protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type Z1   7  4.40
PRB2                         proline rich protein BstNI subfamily 2  12 -3.49
MROH2B                    maestro heat like repeat family member 2B   5 -3.63
          AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
ACTG2      0.7060  6.79 5.59e-08   0.00101
SULF1      5.9248  5.92 6.58e-07   0.00547
MYH11      5.6836  5.81 9.05e-07   0.00547
SLC17A4   -1.7651 -5.49 2.29e-06   0.01038
LINC01592  1.4784  5.03 9.20e-06   0.03336
TNFRSF11B  1.2687  4.84 1.65e-05   0.04991
SBSPON     2.5178  4.71 2.26e-05   0.05547
PTPRZ1     3.4820  4.67 2.56e-05   0.05547
PRB2       1.2967 -4.64 2.75e-05   0.05547
MROH2B     0.0673 -4.53 3.88e-05   0.07031

Male vs Female in Fetal samples

                                                GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
NMUR2                            neuromedin U receptor 2   5 -4.33  -1.433
ZNF385B                         zinc finger protein 385B   2 -3.41   3.514
ALB                                              albumin   4 -4.32  -1.191
PATE2                    prostate and testis expressed 2  11 -3.82  -1.682
OR7D2   olfactory receptor family 7 subfamily D member 2  19  3.37  -0.601
FLG-AS1                              FLG antisense RNA 1   1  2.71   5.463
EPHA4                                    EPH receptor A4   2 -3.71   5.297
CLDN7                                          claudin 7  17  4.56  -0.478
GRM7                   glutamate metabotropic receptor 7   3 -2.53   2.865
TDGF1            teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1   3  4.49  -0.891
            t  P.Value adj.P.Val
NMUR2   -5.54 2.00e-06    0.0362
ZNF385B -4.48 4.37e-05    0.3967
ALB     -4.20 1.02e-04    0.5489
PATE2   -4.08 1.41e-04    0.5489
OR7D2    4.05 1.52e-04    0.5489
FLG-AS1  3.92 2.14e-04    0.5489
EPHA4   -3.93 2.16e-04    0.5489
CLDN7    3.90 2.42e-04    0.5489
GRM7    -3.53 6.45e-04    1.0000
TDGF1    3.46 8.42e-04    1.0000

Male vs Female in ND samples

                                                             GENENAME CHR logFC
ZNF304                                        zinc finger protein 304  19  4.31
NXPH3                                                 neurexophilin 3  17  4.53
CTXND2                                   cortexin domain containing 2   1  3.05
ALLC                                                     allantoicase   2 -3.40
SLC17A4                             solute carrier family 17 member 4   6 -3.19
MELTF-AS1                                       MELTF antisense RNA 1   3  3.32
TESC-AS1                          TESC antisense RNA 1 (head to head)  12  3.50
ITGA3                                        integrin subunit alpha 3  17 -2.62
MCM10     minichromosome maintenance 10 replication initiation factor  10 -3.86
ANO9                                                      anoctamin 9  11  3.06
          AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
ZNF304      2.288  4.94 1.16e-05     0.210
NXPH3       0.316  4.54 3.81e-05     0.345
CTXND2      0.235  3.91 2.23e-04     1.000
ALLC        0.719 -3.84 2.76e-04     1.000
SLC17A4    -1.765 -3.76 3.42e-04     1.000
MELTF-AS1   0.922  3.66 4.59e-04     1.000
TESC-AS1    1.431  3.51 6.88e-04     1.000
ITGA3       4.632 -3.43 8.28e-04     1.000
MCM10       1.253 -3.38 9.94e-04     1.000
ANO9        0.661  3.35 1.04e-03     1.000

Male vs Female in DCM samples

                                                                  GENENAME CHR
GIPR                               gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor  19
C4orf54                                 chromosome 4 open reading frame 54   4
EID2B                    EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 2B  19
SGCZ                                                      sarcoglycan zeta   8
CDC7                                                 cell division cycle 7   1
NAGPA   N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphodiester alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase  16
LMNB1                                                             lamin B1   5
ETV7                                    ETS variant transcription factor 7   6
THAP11                                           THAP domain containing 11  16
ARVCF                                    ARVCF delta catenin family member  22
        logFC AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
GIPR     4.71   1.695  6.22 2.73e-07   0.00495
C4orf54  5.96  -1.023  5.59 1.80e-06   0.01356
EID2B   -4.37   2.257 -5.37 3.32e-06   0.01356
SGCZ     5.06   2.941  5.37 3.38e-06   0.01356
CDC7     3.76   4.044  5.32 3.74e-06   0.01356
NAGPA   -4.30   2.494 -5.13 6.69e-06   0.02023
LMNB1    3.70   3.825  5.07 7.88e-06   0.02043
ETV7     4.88  -0.327  4.81 1.73e-05   0.03934
THAP11  -3.90   1.640 -4.70 2.36e-05   0.04759
ARVCF    2.65   2.894  4.59 3.16e-05   0.05736

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and Fetal

                                                 GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
GIPR              gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor  19  5.73   1.695
SGCZ                                     sarcoglycan zeta   8  5.88   2.941
CLDN7                                           claudin 7  17 -7.51  -0.478
LMNB1                                            lamin B1   5  4.06   3.825
TIGD5               tigger transposable element derived 5   8 -5.30   1.992
SPATA33                     spermatogenesis associated 33  16 -3.92   2.925
OR7D2    olfactory receptor family 7 subfamily D member 2  19 -4.51  -0.601
EID2B   EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 2B  19 -4.33   2.257
ETV7                   ETS variant transcription factor 7   6  6.37  -0.327
GREM2                gremlin 2, DAN family BMP antagonist   1  5.20   0.913
            t  P.Value adj.P.Val
GIPR     5.69 1.30e-06    0.0237
SGCZ     4.84 1.62e-05    0.1149
CLDN7   -4.81 1.90e-05    0.1149
LMNB1    4.54 3.72e-05    0.1405
TIGD5   -4.54 3.87e-05    0.1405
SPATA33 -4.34 6.66e-05    0.2014
OR7D2   -4.15 1.19e-04    0.3003
EID2B   -4.11 1.32e-04    0.3003
ETV7     4.01 1.93e-04    0.3236
GREM2    3.95 2.13e-04    0.3236

Interaction of sex differences between ND and Fetal

                                             GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
NMUR2                         neuromedin U receptor 2   5  4.79  -1.433  4.05
LINC00507  long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 507  12 -4.33  -1.558 -3.77
WFDC8                WAP four-disulfide core domain 8  20  4.36  -1.256  3.73
LINC01425 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1425  21 -3.92  -1.001 -3.45
ZNF304                        zinc finger protein 304  19  3.89   2.288  3.29
ALB                                           albumin   4  4.86  -1.191  3.26
CDC14C                        cell division cycle 14C   7  4.91  -1.334  3.20
MCCC1-AS1                       MCCC1 antisense RNA 1   3  3.94  -1.428  3.17
LINC00589  long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 589   8  4.96  -0.389  3.15
PI4K2B      phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 beta   4  5.13   1.018  3.15
           P.Value adj.P.Val
NMUR2     0.000161         1
LINC00507 0.000349         1
WFDC8     0.000386         1
LINC01425 0.000839         1
ZNF304    0.001295         1
ALB       0.001465         1
CDC14C    0.001735         1
MCCC1-AS1 0.001784         1
LINC00589 0.001997         1
PI4K2B    0.002014         1

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and ND

SLC22A14                                   solute carrier family 22 member 14
SLC44A2                                     solute carrier family 44 member 2
SLC12A2                                     solute carrier family 12 member 2
NAGPA      N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphodiester alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase
ARVCF                                       ARVCF delta catenin family member
CDC7                                                    cell division cycle 7
HDAC11-AS1                                             HDAC11 antisense RNA 1
C4orf54                                    chromosome 4 open reading frame 54
CTXND2                                           cortexin domain containing 2
ZP1                                             zona pellucida glycoprotein 1
           CHR logFC AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
SLC22A14     3 -6.19   0.967 -4.68 2.62e-05     0.347
SLC44A2     19  2.49   6.223  4.53 3.82e-05     0.347
SLC12A2      5 -2.81   6.574 -4.01 1.66e-04     0.667
NAGPA       16 -5.03   2.494 -4.02 1.73e-04     0.667
ARVCF       22  4.14   2.894  3.99 1.84e-04     0.667
CDC7         1  5.27   4.044  3.85 2.90e-04     0.736
HDAC11-AS1   3 -5.27   0.135 -3.84 2.93e-04     0.736
C4orf54      4  6.30  -1.023  3.68 4.95e-04     0.736
CTXND2       1 -3.81   0.235 -3.60 5.53e-04     0.736
ZP1         11 -6.10  -1.182 -3.63 5.65e-04     0.736
plot(treat.peri$coefficients[,1],treat.peri$coefficients[,2],xlab="logFC: ND vs Fetal", ylab="logFC: DCM vs Fetal",main="Pericytes",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <-  dt.peri[,1] !=0 | dt.peri[,2] != 0

plot(treat.peri$coefficients[,4],treat.peri$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="Pericyte: Sex differences - Fetal and ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.peri[,4] !=0 | dt.peri[,5] != 0

plot(treat.peri$coefficients[,4],treat.peri$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Pericyte: Sex differences - Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.peri[,4] !=0 | dt.peri[,6] != 0

plot(treat.peri$coefficients[,5],treat.peri$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Pericyte: Sex differences - ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.peri[,5] !=0 | dt.peri[,6] != 0

plot(treat.peri$coefficients[,4],treat.peri$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="Pericyte: Interaction term: Fetal vs ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.peri[,8] !=0 
plot(treat.peri$coefficients[,4],treat.peri$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Pericyte: Interaction term: Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.peri[,7] !=0 

plot(treat.peri$coefficients[,5],treat.peri$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Pericyte: Interaction term: ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.peri[,9] !=0 


cont.fibro <- makeContrasts(NvF = 0.5*(fibro.ND.Male + fibro.ND.Female) - 0.5*(fibro.Fetal.Male + fibro.Fetal.Female),
                         DvF = 0.5*(fibro.DCM.Male + fibro.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(fibro.Fetal.Male + fibro.Fetal.Female),
                         DvN = 0.5*(fibro.DCM.Male + fibro.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(fibro.ND.Male + fibro.ND.Female),
                         SexFetal = fibro.Fetal.Male - fibro.Fetal.Female,
                         SexND = fibro.ND.Male - fibro.ND.Female,
                         SexDCM = fibro.DCM.Male - fibro.DCM.Female,
                         InteractionDF = (fibro.DCM.Male - fibro.Fetal.Male) - (fibro.DCM.Female - fibro.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionNF = (fibro.ND.Male - fibro.Fetal.Male) - (fibro.ND.Female - fibro.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionDN = (fibro.DCM.Male - fibro.ND.Male) - (fibro.DCM.Female - fibro.ND.Female),
fit.fibro <-,contrasts = cont.fibro)
fit.fibro <- eBayes(fit.fibro,robust=TRUE)

         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down    1718  1955   470       10     0    303            10             0
NotSig 15148 14380 17031    18129 18141  17112         18095         18141
Up      1275  1806   640        2     0    726            36             0
Down              90
NotSig         17849
Up               202
treat.fibro <- treat(fit.fibro,lfc=0.5)


         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     717   711    33        3     0     33             1             0
NotSig 16918 16798 18057    18138 18141  17907         18129         18141
Up       506   632    51        0     0    201            11             0
Down               9
NotSig         18081
Up                51
for(i in 1:9){

barplot(summary(dt.fibro)[-2,],beside=TRUE,legend=TRUE,col=c("blue","red"),ylab="Number of significant genes",las=2)
title("fibroblast cells")

ND vs Fetal

IGF2BP3                                insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3
CBLN4                                                               cerebellin 4 precursor
MEST                                                          mesoderm specific transcript
SULT1E1                                                sulfotransferase family 1E member 1
ELFN2       extracellular leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 2
LAMA2                                                              laminin subunit alpha 2
CNTNAP2                                                     contactin associated protein 2
PRSS35                                                                  serine protease 35
ADAMTS19                         ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 19
VIT                                                                                 vitrin
C11orf87                                               chromosome 11 open reading frame 87
CACNB4                              calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 4
DPP10                                                         dipeptidyl peptidase like 10
MANCR                                           mitotically associated long non coding RNA
ZNF385D-AS2                                                        ZNF385D antisense RNA 2
ACSM3                                     acyl-CoA synthetase medium chain family member 3
PIEZO2                                 piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2
TMEM26                                                            transmembrane protein 26
PCDH8                                                                      protocadherin 8
TIMP4                                                    TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 4
            CHR logFC AveExpr      t  P.Value adj.P.Val
IGF2BP3       7 -5.84  4.2625 -13.43 4.17e-15  7.57e-11
CBLN4        20 -5.00 -1.9635 -12.81 1.53e-14  1.06e-10
MEST          7 -5.98  2.9025 -12.75 1.75e-14  1.06e-10
SULT1E1       4 -9.64 -0.0273 -12.50 3.14e-14  1.16e-10
ELFN2        22 -6.30 -0.3058 -12.46 3.27e-14  1.16e-10
LAMA2         6  3.88 10.9055  12.38 3.84e-14  1.16e-10
CNTNAP2       7 -3.50  6.4490 -12.14 6.46e-14  1.67e-10
PRSS35        6 -5.84  1.2339 -11.73 1.63e-13  3.69e-10
ADAMTS19      5 -3.68  4.5895 -11.38 3.61e-13  7.28e-10
VIT           2  5.03  2.6986  11.07 7.41e-13  1.34e-09
C11orf87     11 -5.71 -1.0511 -10.99 8.88e-13  1.44e-09
CACNB4        2 -3.79  4.4039 -10.96 9.55e-13  1.44e-09
DPP10         2 -4.40  3.9786 -10.62 2.16e-12  3.01e-09
MANCR        10  8.97  0.1508  10.53 2.76e-12  3.58e-09
ZNF385D-AS2   3 -6.47 -0.9359 -10.40 3.69e-12  4.46e-09
ACSM3        16  3.98  6.3303  10.13 6.98e-12  7.92e-09
PIEZO2       18 -4.72  4.5298  -9.99 9.82e-12  1.05e-08
TMEM26       10 -7.10  0.2725  -9.98 1.05e-11  1.05e-08
PCDH8        13 -4.57 -1.9855  -9.93 1.14e-11  1.05e-08
TIMP4         3  7.44  0.9791   9.94 1.16e-11  1.05e-08

DCM vs Fetal

                                                           GENENAME CHR logFC
PRSS35                                           serine protease 35   6 -6.99
IGF2BP3         insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -6.11
CNTNAP2                              contactin associated protein 2   7 -3.65
C11orf87                        chromosome 11 open reading frame 87  11 -6.58
MEST                                   mesoderm specific transcript   7 -4.97
ADAMTS19  ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 19   5 -3.97
TMEM26                                     transmembrane protein 26  10 -8.06
DPP10-AS1                                     DPP10 antisense RNA 1   2 -5.79
DPP10                                  dipeptidyl peptidase like 10   2 -4.65
SULT1E1                         sulfotransferase family 1E member 1   4 -8.25
ECHDC2                      enoyl-CoA hydratase domain containing 2   1  2.65
ODF3B                           outer dense fiber of sperm tails 3B  22  7.80
GRID2            glutamate ionotropic receptor delta type subunit 2   4 -5.07
PIEZO2          piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2  18 -4.61
HR           HR lysine demethylase and nuclear receptor corepressor   8  6.54
PEG10                                       paternally expressed 10   7 -6.82
EPHA7                                               EPH receptor A7   6 -4.98
LINC02643               long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2643  10 -5.87
SLC20A1                           solute carrier family 20 member 1   2  3.82
HHIP                                   hedgehog interacting protein   4 -4.78
          AveExpr      t  P.Value adj.P.Val
PRSS35     1.2339 -14.27 7.78e-16  9.14e-12
IGF2BP3    4.2625 -14.13 1.01e-15  9.14e-12
CNTNAP2    6.4490 -13.26 5.89e-15  2.71e-11
C11orf87  -1.0511 -13.26 5.98e-15  2.71e-11
MEST       2.9025 -12.57 2.55e-14  9.25e-11
ADAMTS19   4.5895 -12.08 7.44e-14  2.25e-10
TMEM26     0.2725 -11.86 1.24e-13  3.22e-10
DPP10-AS1 -1.5080 -11.71 1.70e-13  3.85e-10
DPP10      3.9786 -11.16 5.92e-13  1.19e-09
SULT1E1   -0.0273 -10.88 1.20e-12  2.18e-09
ECHDC2     6.8983  10.55 2.51e-12  4.13e-09
ODF3B      1.9037  10.33 4.41e-12  6.16e-09
GRID2      5.2324 -10.32 4.41e-12  6.16e-09
PIEZO2     4.5298 -10.27 5.00e-12  6.48e-09
HR        -0.0122  10.19 6.21e-12  7.14e-09
PEG10      1.1532 -10.18 6.30e-12  7.14e-09
EPHA7      5.2395  -9.86 1.37e-11  1.46e-08
LINC02643  0.3011  -9.83 1.50e-11  1.51e-08
SLC20A1    5.1735   9.78 1.65e-11  1.57e-08
HHIP       3.0760  -9.70 2.07e-11  1.87e-08


                                                    GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
EFCC1            EF-hand and coiled-coil domain containing 1   3  3.53  2.3116
ETHE1                           ETHE1 persulfide dioxygenase  19  2.72  3.9160
BHLHE40-AS1                          BHLHE40 antisense RNA 1   3  2.55  4.0588
SLC20A1                    solute carrier family 20 member 1   2  2.41  5.1735
TRHDE         thyrotropin releasing hormone degrading enzyme  12 -4.53  3.4862
CATSPER2                   cation channel sperm associated 2  15  2.05  4.8723
LINC00968         long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 968   8  3.31  1.5733
ERI2                    ERI1 exoribonuclease family member 2  16 -2.06  3.9203
ACSM3       acyl-CoA synthetase medium chain family member 3  16 -2.35  6.3303
HAS1                                   hyaluronan synthase 1  19  5.14  0.1473
LINC01139        long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1139   1  3.81 -0.8969
ACSM1       acyl-CoA synthetase medium chain family member 1  16 -3.07  2.3530
C4orf54                   chromosome 4 open reading frame 54   4  4.40 -1.0228
THUMPD1                            THUMP domain containing 1  16 -1.88  5.0775
SWSAP1          SWIM-type zinc finger 7 associated protein 1  19 -3.21  1.2490
KAT2A                            lysine acetyltransferase 2A  17  1.66  3.7704
PTGFR                               prostaglandin F receptor   1  3.53  1.5067
WDR97                                    WD repeat domain 97   8  3.70  0.0832
MYPN                                             myopalladin  10  4.53  5.1713
ATP6V0A1                ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1  17  1.42  6.4971
                t  P.Value adj.P.Val
EFCC1        8.47 4.95e-10  8.98e-06
ETHE1        7.66 4.53e-09  4.11e-05
BHLHE40-AS1  7.50 7.01e-09  4.24e-05
SLC20A1      6.58 9.62e-08  4.36e-04
TRHDE       -6.25 2.49e-07  7.15e-04
CATSPER2     6.21 2.76e-07  7.15e-04
LINC00968    6.19 2.97e-07  7.15e-04
ERI2        -6.17 3.15e-07  7.15e-04
ACSM3       -5.95 5.90e-07  1.19e-03
HAS1         5.75 1.08e-06  1.97e-03
LINC01139    5.59 1.69e-06  2.79e-03
ACSM1       -5.34 3.58e-06  5.41e-03
C4orf54      5.26 4.57e-06  6.12e-03
THUMPD1     -5.24 4.72e-06  6.12e-03
SWSAP1      -5.09 7.34e-06  8.05e-03
KAT2A        5.09 7.37e-06  8.05e-03
PTGFR        5.06 7.99e-06  8.05e-03
WDR97        5.06 8.06e-06  8.05e-03
MYPN         5.05 8.43e-06  8.05e-03
ATP6V0A1     4.93 1.18e-05  1.06e-02

Male vs Female in Fetal samples

                                             GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
NMUR2                         neuromedin U receptor 2   5 -4.82  -1.433 -7.17
APOA2                               apolipoprotein A2   1 -3.16  -2.107 -5.32
CLEC2A         C-type lectin domain family 2 member A  12 -3.78  -1.971 -5.15
GREM1            gremlin 1, DAN family BMP antagonist  15 -4.86  -0.148 -4.87
CILP2          cartilage intermediate layer protein 2  19 -3.12  -0.869 -4.83
WIF1                          WNT inhibitory factor 1  12 -4.76  -1.025 -4.77
LINC02117 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2117   5  3.10  -1.947  4.66
SFRP2             secreted frizzled related protein 2   4 -5.92  -1.226 -4.53
BTBD17                       BTB domain containing 17  17 -4.06  -1.245 -4.42
SIX1                                   SIX homeobox 1  14 -3.32  -1.912 -4.37
           P.Value adj.P.Val
NMUR2     1.81e-08  0.000328
APOA2     3.74e-06  0.033904
CLEC2A    6.20e-06  0.037463
GREM1     1.45e-05  0.057699
CILP2     1.59e-05  0.057699
WIF1      1.93e-05  0.058486
LINC02117 2.59e-05  0.067174
SFRP2     4.16e-05  0.094239
BTBD17    5.28e-05  0.106515
SIX1      6.02e-05  0.109152

Male vs Female in ND samples

                                                    GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
STC2                                         stanniocalcin 2   5 -4.11   0.968
UHRF1      ubiquitin like with PHD and ring finger domains 1  19 -3.01   2.115
LINC01442        long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1442  13 -3.89  -1.458
PGC                                            progastricsin   6  3.93  -1.292
LIPG                              lipase G, endothelial type  18 -4.22   0.677
LINC02549        long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2549   6  3.57  -1.188
VIT                                                   vitrin   2 -1.74   2.699
RHD                                 Rh blood group D antigen   1  5.79   3.222
SEMA3B-AS1             SEMA3B antisense RNA 1 (head to head)   3  3.68  -1.547
IGFBP1          insulin like growth factor binding protein 1   7  5.10  -2.033
               t  P.Value adj.P.Val
STC2       -4.49 4.28e-05     0.551
UHRF1      -4.34 6.64e-05     0.551
LINC01442  -4.23 9.10e-05     0.551
PGC         3.96 2.00e-04     0.907
LIPG       -3.73 3.87e-04     1.000
LINC02549   3.64 4.85e-04     1.000
VIT        -3.59 5.34e-04     1.000
RHD         3.63 5.58e-04     1.000
SEMA3B-AS1  3.58 5.81e-04     1.000
IGFBP1      3.59 5.96e-04     1.000

Male vs Female in DCM samples

                                                  GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
ETHE1                         ETHE1 persulfide dioxygenase  19  4.10   3.916
LMNB1                                             lamin B1   5  5.75   3.825
C4orf54                 chromosome 4 open reading frame 54   4  8.07  -1.023
DNAJC27  DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C27   2  3.34   4.847
SH3PXD2A                             SH3 and PX domains 2A  10  2.91   7.645
CDC7                                 cell division cycle 7   1  4.45   4.044
SLC20A1                  solute carrier family 20 member 1   2  3.14   5.173
HAS1                                 hyaluronan synthase 1  19  4.99   0.147
SNHG9                      small nucleolar RNA host gene 9  16  3.32   3.114
PLAU                      plasminogen activator, urokinase  10  4.98   2.466
             t  P.Value adj.P.Val
ETHE1    11.42 3.24e-13  5.87e-09
LMNB1    10.69 1.84e-12  1.66e-08
C4orf54  10.00 1.01e-11  6.13e-08
DNAJC27   9.22 6.97e-11  3.16e-07
SH3PXD2A  8.63 3.19e-10  1.16e-06
CDC7      7.93 2.16e-09  6.50e-06
SLC20A1   7.87 2.54e-09  6.50e-06
HAS1      7.83 2.87e-09  6.50e-06
SNHG9     7.37 1.01e-08  1.90e-05
PLAU      7.36 1.05e-08  1.90e-05

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and Fetal

                                                  GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
LMNB1                                             lamin B1   5  6.03   3.825
ETHE1                         ETHE1 persulfide dioxygenase  19  4.28   3.916
SH3PXD2A                             SH3 and PX domains 2A  10  3.01   7.645
DNAJC27  DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C27   2  3.58   4.847
ADAMTSL2                                     ADAMTS like 2   9  5.65   3.116
CILP2               cartilage intermediate layer protein 2  19  4.42  -0.869
TAC1                                tachykinin precursor 1   7  7.57  -1.043
CDC7                                 cell division cycle 7   1  4.11   4.044
PRRX2                            paired related homeobox 2   9  3.83   2.458
LAMC1                              laminin subunit gamma 1   1 -2.87   8.017
             t  P.Value adj.P.Val
LMNB1     6.93 3.57e-08  0.000648
ETHE1     6.33 1.99e-07  0.001803
SH3PXD2A  5.96 5.74e-07  0.003469
DNAJC27   5.60 1.67e-06  0.007581
ADAMTSL2  5.28 4.47e-06  0.016195
CILP2     5.19 5.63e-06  0.016195
TAC1      5.18 6.25e-06  0.016195
CDC7      5.07 7.97e-06  0.018081
PRRX2     4.85 1.50e-05  0.027830
LAMC1    -4.83 1.59e-05  0.027830

Interaction of sex differences between ND and Fetal

                                             GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr    t
CLEC2A         C-type lectin domain family 2 member A  12  5.29  -1.971 4.66
BTBD17                       BTB domain containing 17  17  6.19  -1.245 4.57
LINC01139 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1139   1  5.31  -0.897 4.40
CHST4                 carbohydrate sulfotransferase 4  16  5.91  -0.773 4.04
APOA2                               apolipoprotein A2   1  3.32  -2.107 3.79
NMUR2                         neuromedin U receptor 2   5  4.53  -1.433 3.80
LINC01781 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1781   1  5.43  -1.215 3.72
GLIS1                       GLIS family zinc finger 1   1  4.07   2.260 3.69
WIF1                          WNT inhibitory factor 1  12  5.80  -1.025 3.71
LINC01799 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1799   2  5.87  -1.183 3.67
           P.Value adj.P.Val
CLEC2A    2.77e-05     0.335
BTBD17    3.70e-05     0.335
LINC01139 5.79e-05     0.350
CHST4     1.71e-04     0.776
APOA2     3.12e-04     0.878
NMUR2     3.23e-04     0.878
LINC01781 4.25e-04     0.878
GLIS1     4.36e-04     0.878
WIF1      4.40e-04     0.878
LINC01799 4.89e-04     0.878

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and ND

                                                  GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
LMNB1                                             lamin B1   5  6.85    3.83
ETHE1                         ETHE1 persulfide dioxygenase  19  4.84    3.92
SH3PXD2A                             SH3 and PX domains 2A  10  3.65    7.65
TNC                                             tenascin C   9  7.02    4.13
DNMT1                              DNA methyltransferase 1  19  2.89    5.69
DNAJC27  DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C27   2  3.27    4.85
SLC20A1                  solute carrier family 20 member 1   2  3.63    5.17
PGC                                          progastricsin   6 -6.96   -1.29
CDC7                                 cell division cycle 7   1  4.89    4.04
ADAMTSL2                                     ADAMTS like 2   9  4.89    3.12
             t  P.Value adj.P.Val
LMNB1     8.52 4.50e-10  8.17e-06
ETHE1     7.49 7.35e-09  6.67e-05
SH3PXD2A  7.20 1.62e-08  9.79e-05
TNC       6.20 3.08e-07  1.40e-03
DNMT1     5.69 1.26e-06  4.57e-03
DNAJC27   5.45 2.57e-06  7.29e-03
SLC20A1   5.40 3.01e-06  7.29e-03
PGC      -5.40 3.22e-06  7.29e-03
CDC7      5.33 3.71e-06  7.47e-03
ADAMTSL2  5.20 5.55e-06  9.42e-03
plot(treat.fibro$coefficients[,1],treat.fibro$coefficients[,2],xlab="logFC: ND vs Fetal", ylab="logFC: DCM vs Fetal",main="Fibroblasts",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <-  dt.fibro[,1] !=0 | dt.fibro[,2] != 0

plot(treat.fibro$coefficients[,4],treat.fibro$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="Fibroblasts: Sex differences - Fetal and ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.fibro[,4] !=0 | dt.fibro[,5] != 0

plot(treat.fibro$coefficients[,4],treat.fibro$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Fibroblasts: Sex differences - Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.fibro[,4] !=0 | dt.fibro[,6] != 0

plot(treat.fibro$coefficients[,5],treat.fibro$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Fibroblasts: Sex differences - ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.fibro[,5] !=0 | dt.fibro[,6] != 0

plot(treat.fibro$coefficients[,4],treat.fibro$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="Fibroblasts: Interaction term: Fetal vs ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.fibro[,8] !=0 
plot(treat.fibro$coefficients[,4],treat.fibro$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Fibroblast: Interaction term: Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.fibro[,7] !=0 

plot(treat.fibro$coefficients[,5],treat.fibro$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="Fibroblasts: Interaction term: ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.fibro[,9] !=0 

Smooth muscle cells

cont.smc <- makeContrasts(NvF = 0.5*(smc.ND.Male + smc.ND.Female) - 0.5*(smc.Fetal.Male + smc.Fetal.Female),
                         DvF = 0.5*(smc.DCM.Male + smc.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(smc.Fetal.Male + smc.Fetal.Female),
                         DvN = 0.5*(smc.DCM.Male + smc.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(smc.ND.Male + smc.ND.Female),
                         SexFetal = smc.Fetal.Male - smc.Fetal.Female,
                         SexND = smc.ND.Male - smc.ND.Female,
                         SexDCM = smc.DCM.Male - smc.DCM.Female,
                         InteractionDF = (smc.DCM.Male - smc.Fetal.Male) - (smc.DCM.Female - smc.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionNF = (smc.ND.Male - smc.Fetal.Male) - (smc.ND.Female - smc.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionDN = (smc.DCM.Male - smc.ND.Male) - (smc.DCM.Female - smc.ND.Female),
fit.smc <-,contrasts = cont.smc)
fit.smc <- eBayes(fit.smc,robust=TRUE)

         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     144   342     4       68     1      2             3             1
NotSig 17926 17500 18124    18041 18132  18139         18132         18132
Up        71   299    13       32     8      0             6             8
Down               3
NotSig         18138
Up                 0
treat.smc <- treat(fit.smc,lfc=0.5)


         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down      53   104     1       35     0      0             1             1
NotSig 18075 17979 18135    18097 18137  18141         18134         18135
Up        13    58     5        9     4      0             6             5
Down               2
NotSig         18139
Up                 0
for(i in 1:9){

barplot(summary(dt.smc)[-2,],beside=TRUE,legend=TRUE,col=c("blue","red"),ylab="Number of significant genes",las=2)
title("smooth muscle cells")

ND vs Fetal

                                                          GENENAME CHR logFC
SCN3A                 sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 3   2  8.13
PRSS35                                          serine protease 35   6 -4.88
GREM2                         gremlin 2, DAN family BMP antagonist   1 -4.72
SULT1E1                        sulfotransferase family 1E member 1   4 -6.24
MEG3                                        maternally expressed 3  14 -6.56
CBFA2T3         CBFA2/RUNX1 partner transcriptional co-repressor 3  16  5.53
IGF2BP3        insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -4.18
PRDM6                                              PR/SET domain 6   5 -4.86
TOX         thymocyte selection associated high mobility group box   8 -5.65
ZNF730                                     zinc finger protein 730  19 -3.18
PIEZO2         piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2  18 -4.79
FOXN2                                              forkhead box N2   2  2.75
TMEM140                                  transmembrane protein 140   7  4.75
ABCA5                    ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 5  17  3.53
SMO                            smoothened, frizzled class receptor   7 -3.44
ZHX3                                 zinc fingers and homeoboxes 3  20  2.69
SCGN                 secretagogin, EF-hand calcium binding protein   6  5.45
EFNA5                                                    ephrin A5   5 -7.65
ADAMTS19 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 19   5 -4.72
DIPK2A                          divergent protein kinase domain 2A   3 -2.56
         AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
SCN3A     2.8488  9.61 2.71e-11  4.91e-07
PRSS35    1.2339 -8.56 3.91e-10  3.54e-06
GREM2     0.9132 -7.76 3.39e-09  2.05e-05
SULT1E1  -0.0273 -7.01 2.88e-08  1.31e-04
MEG3      5.1340 -6.60 9.42e-08  3.42e-04
CBFA2T3   3.5461  6.15 3.38e-07  1.02e-03
IGF2BP3   4.2625 -6.04 4.64e-07  1.20e-03
PRDM6     3.4719 -5.83 8.56e-07  1.94e-03
TOX       5.3599 -5.75 1.10e-06  2.22e-03
ZNF730    3.7126 -5.31 3.92e-06  7.10e-03
PIEZO2    4.5298 -5.26 4.66e-06  7.69e-03
FOXN2     6.4531  5.21 5.16e-06  7.80e-03
TMEM140   3.8273  5.17 6.03e-06  8.42e-03
ABCA5     6.0513  5.09 7.34e-06  9.51e-03
SMO       4.2321 -4.99 1.00e-05  1.12e-02
ZHX3      7.1493  4.98 1.03e-05  1.12e-02
SCGN      1.1424  4.97 1.09e-05  1.12e-02
EFNA5     7.6269 -4.99 1.12e-05  1.12e-02
ADAMTS19  4.5895 -4.94 1.17e-05  1.12e-02
DIPK2A    5.2809 -4.88 1.35e-05  1.20e-02

DCM vs Fetal

                                                            GENENAME CHR logFC
SCN3A                   sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 3   2  8.64
PRSS35                                            serine protease 35   6 -5.59
GREM2                           gremlin 2, DAN family BMP antagonist   1 -5.48
CBFA2T3           CBFA2/RUNX1 partner transcriptional co-repressor 3  16  5.99
DIPK2A                            divergent protein kinase domain 2A   3 -3.45
SULT1E1                          sulfotransferase family 1E member 1   4 -6.62
PIEZO2           piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2  18 -6.32
PRDM6                                                PR/SET domain 6   5 -5.17
ST6GALNAC5 ST6 N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 5   1 -7.21
MYH10                                          myosin heavy chain 10  17 -4.03
CHRD                                                         chordin   3  4.41
IGF2BP3          insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -4.30
IGF2BP1          insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17 -4.58
MYL6B                                          myosin light chain 6B  12 -2.83
ABCA5                      ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 5  17  3.56
CNGA1                cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit alpha 1   4  4.37
PTPRZ1                 protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type Z1   7 -5.47
TBX2                                    T-box transcription factor 2  17  2.86
PTPRD                   protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type D   9 -2.55
LINC01811                long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1811   3 -4.40
           AveExpr      t  P.Value adj.P.Val
SCN3A       2.8488  11.16 6.25e-13  1.13e-08
PRSS35      1.2339 -10.30 4.70e-12  4.26e-08
GREM2       0.9132  -9.52 3.27e-11  1.97e-07
CBFA2T3     3.5461   7.99 1.84e-09  8.36e-06
DIPK2A      5.2809  -7.83 2.82e-09  1.02e-05
SULT1E1    -0.0273  -7.77 3.47e-09  1.05e-05
PIEZO2      4.5298  -7.37 1.03e-08  2.66e-05
PRDM6       3.4719  -7.26 1.40e-08  3.17e-05
ST6GALNAC5  3.6014  -6.96 3.37e-08  6.65e-05
MYH10       6.8967  -6.92 3.67e-08  6.65e-05
CHRD        1.9080   6.87 4.24e-08  6.98e-05
IGF2BP3     4.2625  -6.64 8.06e-08  1.22e-04
IGF2BP1     1.4304  -6.24 2.58e-07  3.60e-04
MYL6B       3.0581  -5.92 6.39e-07  7.83e-04
ABCA5       6.0513   5.92 6.47e-07  7.83e-04
CNGA1       2.5428   5.89 7.14e-07  8.10e-04
PTPRZ1      3.4820  -5.84 8.55e-07  9.12e-04
TBX2        4.1036   5.61 1.58e-06  1.59e-03
PTPRD       7.0721  -5.55 1.94e-06  1.85e-03
LINC01811   0.9844  -5.52 2.11e-06  1.89e-03


                                             GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
CDK9                        cyclin dependent kinase 9   9  2.56   4.304  5.85
TEDC1             tubulin epsilon and delta complex 1  14  3.43   1.701  5.84
PHF2                             PHD finger protein 2   9  2.39   5.564  5.30
CCDC190             coiled-coil domain containing 190   1  3.63   1.556  4.87
LINC02507 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2507   4  4.23   1.003  4.87
OSR2        odd-skipped related transciption factor 2   8 -4.07   0.794 -4.85
RHOT2                    ras homolog family member T2  16  2.12   5.072  4.69
ARHGAP28             Rho GTPase activating protein 28  18 -5.26   4.042 -4.43
SLC35F4            solute carrier family 35 member F4  14 -3.82   1.992 -4.38
LINC01592 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1592   8 -5.18   1.478 -4.37
           P.Value adj.P.Val
CDK9      7.99e-07   0.00747
TEDC1     8.23e-07   0.00747
PHF2      4.03e-06   0.02440
CCDC190   1.44e-05   0.04601
LINC02507 1.45e-05   0.04601
OSR2      1.52e-05   0.04601
RHOT2     2.39e-05   0.06195
ARHGAP28  5.36e-05   0.11509
SLC35F4   6.00e-05   0.11509
LINC01592 6.34e-05   0.11509

Male vs Female in Fetal samples

                                                           GENENAME CHR logFC
GREM2                          gremlin 2, DAN family BMP antagonist   1 -8.63
IQCA1                         IQ motif containing with AAA domain 1   2 -5.65
GPHA2                          glycoprotein hormone subunit alpha 2  11 -4.87
SFRP2                           secreted frizzled related protein 2   4 -8.60
MOV10L1                      Mov10 like RISC complex RNA helicase 1  22 -6.14
OSR1                     odd-skipped related transcription factor 1   2 -6.90
LINC01886               long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1886   2 -5.59
ADORA2B                                      adenosine A2b receptor  17  6.44
CHRD                                                        chordin   3  6.25
MOCOS                                 molybdenum cofactor sulfurase  18 -4.07
FOXCUT                                    FOXC1 upstream transcript   6 -5.05
ENPP1            ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1   6 -5.03
MIR3681HG                                         MIR3681 host gene   2 -4.83
RAB3C                             RAB3C, member RAS oncogene family   5 -5.99
OSR2                      odd-skipped related transciption factor 2   8 -4.86
LRRC3B                            leucine rich repeat containing 3B   3 -5.73
LINC00578                long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 578   3 -4.98
SPTBN4                            spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 4  19 -3.77
ADAMTS17  ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 17  15 -5.09
EPHB2                                               EPH receptor B2   1 -4.79
          AveExpr      t  P.Value adj.P.Val
GREM2       0.913 -13.78 2.09e-15  3.80e-11
IQCA1       2.302  -7.70 4.13e-09  3.75e-05
GPHA2      -2.139  -7.39 9.64e-09  5.83e-05
SFRP2      -1.226  -7.12 2.20e-08  9.96e-05
MOV10L1     1.553  -6.71 6.75e-08  2.45e-04
OSR1        0.720  -6.28 2.43e-07  6.41e-04
LINC01886  -0.112  -6.26 2.47e-07  6.41e-04
ADORA2B     2.604   6.02 5.03e-07  1.05e-03
CHRD        1.908   6.01 5.20e-07  1.05e-03
MOCOS       2.157  -5.53 2.07e-06  3.75e-03
FOXCUT     -1.691  -5.47 2.52e-06  4.15e-03
ENPP1       3.902  -5.34 3.67e-06  5.55e-03
MIR3681HG   2.949  -5.18 5.75e-06  7.43e-03
RAB3C       1.958  -5.19 5.85e-06  7.43e-03
OSR2        0.794  -5.16 6.14e-06  7.43e-03
LRRC3B      0.778  -5.11 7.39e-06  7.87e-03
LINC00578   2.782  -5.10 7.51e-06  7.87e-03
SPTBN4      3.342  -5.07 7.81e-06  7.87e-03
ADAMTS17    5.017  -4.99 1.03e-05  9.83e-03
EPHB2       3.111  -4.96 1.11e-05  1.01e-02

Male vs Female in ND samples

                                                             GENENAME CHR logFC
PHF2                                             PHD finger protein 2   9  4.05
MPHOSPH10                                   M-phase phosphoprotein 10   2  3.90
RHOT2                                    ras homolog family member T2  16  3.75
ACTR6                                         actin related protein 6  12  3.51
FBXW5                         F-box and WD repeat domain containing 5   9  3.51
EIF2B5    eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit epsilon   3  2.93
MED21                                     mediator complex subunit 21  12  3.49
GABPA           GA binding protein transcription factor subunit alpha  21  3.10
ZBTB3                         zinc finger and BTB domain containing 3  11 -3.20
EFCAB6                               EF-hand calcium binding domain 6  22  3.80
          AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
PHF2         5.56  6.00 5.12e-07   0.00468
MPHOSPH10    5.03  6.00 5.16e-07   0.00468
RHOT2        5.07  5.73 1.13e-06   0.00611
ACTR6        4.31  5.67 1.35e-06   0.00611
FBXW5        4.39  4.74 2.08e-05   0.07562
EIF2B5       3.75  4.60 3.12e-05   0.09447
MED21        4.43  4.42 5.23e-05   0.13546
GABPA        5.11  4.25 8.46e-05   0.19195
ZBTB3        1.78 -4.20 9.94e-05   0.19915
EFCAB6       4.50  4.17 1.10e-04   0.19915

Male vs Female in DCM samples

                                         GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
MYL6B                       myosin light chain 6B  12 -3.35    3.06 -4.97
HEBP1                      heme binding protein 1  12 -4.23    3.52 -4.88
MTLN                                  mitoregulin   2 -3.56    3.18 -4.32
NBPF3                               NBPF member 3   1 -4.05    3.75 -4.20
COPZ2            COPI coat complex subunit zeta 2  17 -3.85    3.05 -3.85
ZBTB3     zinc finger and BTB domain containing 3  11 -2.73    1.78 -3.76
ROMO1         reactive oxygen species modulator 1  20 -3.94    3.01 -3.70
PSMG3-AS1    PSMG3 antisense RNA 1 (head to head)   7 -3.59    2.85 -3.69
IFT22                 intraflagellar transport 22   7 -3.24    1.97 -3.61
RAB29           RAB29, member RAS oncogene family   1 -3.58    2.94 -3.53
           P.Value adj.P.Val
MYL6B     1.05e-05     0.124
HEBP1     1.37e-05     0.124
MTLN      6.99e-05     0.423
NBPF3     1.02e-04     0.461
COPZ2     2.69e-04     0.953
ZBTB3     3.42e-04     0.953
ROMO1     4.15e-04     0.953
PSMG3-AS1 4.20e-04     0.953
IFT22     5.21e-04     1.000
RAB29     6.63e-04     1.000

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and Fetal

                                                           GENENAME CHR logFC
GREM2                          gremlin 2, DAN family BMP antagonist   1  7.80
GPHA2                          glycoprotein hormone subunit alpha 2  11  4.90
SPTBN4                            spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 4  19  5.90
IQCA1                         IQ motif containing with AAA domain 1   2  6.57
ADORA2B                                      adenosine A2b receptor  17 -7.24
MIR3681HG                                         MIR3681 host gene   2  7.38
MOV10L1                      Mov10 like RISC complex RNA helicase 1  22  8.09
SNN                                                         stannin  16 -5.89
PDGFA                      platelet derived growth factor subunit A   7 -4.40
ADAMTS17  ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 17  15  6.42
          AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
GREM2       0.913  6.97 3.33e-08  0.000604
GPHA2      -2.139  5.39 3.14e-06  0.018613
SPTBN4      3.342  5.35 3.63e-06  0.018613
IQCA1       2.302  5.22 5.45e-06  0.018613
ADORA2B     2.604 -5.19 6.12e-06  0.018613
MIR3681HG   2.949  5.19 6.16e-06  0.018613
MOV10L1     1.553  5.05 9.47e-06  0.024550
SNN         1.773 -4.72 2.30e-05  0.052225
PDGFA       4.292 -4.50 4.20e-05  0.083247
ADAMTS17    5.017  4.50 4.59e-05  0.083247

Interaction of sex differences between ND and Fetal

                                                          GENENAME CHR logFC
GREM2                         gremlin 2, DAN family BMP antagonist   1  8.77
PHF2                                          PHD finger protein 2   9  5.40
GPHA2                         glycoprotein hormone subunit alpha 2  11  5.09
ACTR6                                      actin related protein 6  12  4.23
HARBI1                             harbinger transposase derived 1  11 -7.11
RHOT2                                 ras homolog family member T2  16  4.25
EIF2B5 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit epsilon   3  3.85
SPTBN4                           spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 4  19  5.36
MYRF                                      myelin regulatory factor  11  6.27
OSR2                     odd-skipped related transciption factor 2   8  6.54
       AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
GREM2    0.913  7.61 5.58e-09  0.000101
PHF2     5.564  6.50 1.23e-07  0.001116
GPHA2   -2.139  5.47 2.52e-06  0.015221
ACTR6    4.315  5.27 4.42e-06  0.020042
HARBI1   1.853 -5.17 6.37e-06  0.023116
RHOT2    5.072  5.06 8.15e-06  0.024641
EIF2B5   3.746  4.65 2.70e-05  0.070086
SPTBN4   3.342  4.50 4.39e-05  0.097537
MYRF     1.102  4.48 4.84e-05  0.097537
OSR2     0.794  4.37 6.71e-05  0.104126

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and ND

                                                GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
MYL6B                              myosin light chain 6B  12 -5.40    3.06
PHF2                                PHD finger protein 2   9 -4.30    5.56
MPHOSPH10                      M-phase phosphoprotein 10   2 -4.00    5.03
SGSH                   N-sulfoglucosamine sulfohydrolase  17  5.16    2.44
HEBP2                             heme binding protein 2   6 -5.96    4.01
ASPHD1    aspartate beta-hydroxylase domain containing 1  16 -5.70    2.93
MANEA                             mannosidase endo-alpha   6 -4.40    4.02
DDX49                               DEAD-box helicase 49  19 -4.64    3.75
IFT22                        intraflagellar transport 22   7 -4.89    1.97
SLC16A5                solute carrier family 16 member 5  17  4.55    2.97
              t  P.Value adj.P.Val
MYL6B     -5.83 8.73e-07    0.0158
PHF2      -5.33 3.72e-06    0.0337
MPHOSPH10 -4.87 1.44e-05    0.0870
SGSH       4.61 3.18e-05    0.1441
HEBP2     -4.26 8.94e-05    0.3245
ASPHD1    -4.09 1.45e-04    0.3831
MANEA     -4.03 1.65e-04    0.3831
DDX49     -3.97 1.98e-04    0.3831
IFT22     -3.96 2.06e-04    0.3831
SLC16A5    3.95 2.11e-04    0.3831
plot(treat.smc$coefficients[,1],treat.smc$coefficients[,2],xlab="logFC: ND vs Fetal", ylab="logFC: DCM vs Fetal",main="smooth muscle cells",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <-  dt.smc[,1] !=0 | dt.smc[,2] != 0

plot(treat.smc$coefficients[,4],treat.smc$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="smooth muscle cells: Sex differences - Fetal and ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.smc[,4] !=0 | dt.smc[,5] != 0

plot(treat.smc$coefficients[,4],treat.smc$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="smooth muscle cells: Sex differences - Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.smc[,4] !=0 | dt.smc[,6] != 0

plot(treat.smc$coefficients[,5],treat.smc$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="smooth muscle cells: Sex differences - ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.smc[,5] !=0 | dt.smc[,6] != 0

plot(treat.smc$coefficients[,4],treat.smc$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="smooth muscle cells: Interaction term: Fetal vs ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.smc[,8] !=0 

plot(treat.smc$coefficients[,4],treat.smc$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="smooth muscle cells: Interaction term: Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.smc[,7] !=0 

plot(treat.smc$coefficients[,5],treat.smc$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="smooth muscle cells: Interaction term: ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.smc[,9] !=0 

Endothelial cells

cont.endo <- makeContrasts(NvF = 0.5*(endo.ND.Male + endo.ND.Female) - 0.5*(endo.Fetal.Male + endo.Fetal.Female),
                         DvF = 0.5*(endo.DCM.Male + endo.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(endo.Fetal.Male + endo.Fetal.Female),
                         DvN = 0.5*(endo.DCM.Male + endo.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(endo.ND.Male + endo.ND.Female),
                         SexFetal = endo.Fetal.Male - endo.Fetal.Female,
                         SexND = endo.ND.Male - endo.ND.Female,
                         SexDCM = endo.DCM.Male - endo.DCM.Female,
                         InteractionDF = (endo.DCM.Male - endo.Fetal.Male) - (endo.DCM.Female - endo.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionNF = (endo.ND.Male - endo.Fetal.Male) - (endo.ND.Female - endo.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionDN = (endo.DCM.Male - endo.ND.Male) - (endo.DCM.Female - endo.ND.Female),
fit.endo <-,contrasts = cont.endo)
fit.endo <- eBayes(fit.endo,robust=TRUE)

         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     722  1197    70        7     0     32             0             0
NotSig 16832 15550 17946    18133 18141  18063         18140         18141
Up       587  1394   125        1     0     46             1             0
Down               1
NotSig         18136
Up                 4
treat.endo <- treat(fit.endo,lfc=0.5)


         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     302   406     7        4     0      5             0             0
NotSig 17662 17360 18129    18137 18141  18131         18141         18141
Up       177   375     5        0     0      5             0             0
Down               1
NotSig         18137
Up                 3
for(i in 1:9){

barplot(summary(dt.endo)[-2,],beside=TRUE,legend=TRUE,col=c("blue","red"),ylab="Number of significant genes",las=2)
title("Endothelial cells")

ND vs Fetal

PRND                                                     prion like protein doppel
NTS                                                                    neurotensin
PRSS35                                                          serine protease 35
TMTC1                    transmembrane O-mannosyltransferase targeting cadherins 1
TIMP4                                            TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 4
IGF2BP3                        insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3
HOXD9                                                                  homeobox D9
OR51E1                           olfactory receptor family 51 subfamily E member 1
PEG10                                                      paternally expressed 10
DLK1                                       delta like non-canonical Notch ligand 1
HBA1                                                    hemoglobin subunit alpha 1
IGF2BP1                        insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1
HOXD3                                                                  homeobox D3
PIK3C2A   phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 alpha
HOXD-AS2                                              HOXD cluster antisense RNA 2
LNX1                                                    ligand of numb-protein X 1
OIT3                                              oncoprotein induced transcript 3
PIEZO2                         piezo type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2
CLRN1-AS1                                                    CLRN1 antisense RNA 1
FOLH1                                                           folate hydrolase 1
          CHR logFC AveExpr      t  P.Value adj.P.Val
PRND       20 -7.67  -1.486 -20.53 1.83e-20  3.32e-16
NTS        12 -6.83  -0.749 -13.98 1.38e-15  1.25e-11
PRSS35      6 -5.57   1.234 -10.38 3.87e-12  2.34e-08
TMTC1      12  3.74   7.873  10.01 9.47e-12  4.30e-08
TIMP4       3  7.57   0.979   9.47 3.76e-11  1.36e-07
IGF2BP3     7 -5.67   4.262  -9.31 5.56e-11  1.68e-07
HOXD9       2 -4.72  -1.889  -9.11 9.21e-11  2.16e-07
OR51E1     11  6.43   0.525   9.10 9.50e-11  2.16e-07
PEG10       7 -6.25   1.153  -8.89 1.67e-10  3.37e-07
DLK1       14 -7.21   1.581  -8.61 3.55e-10  6.44e-07
HBA1       16 -8.20   1.428  -8.49 5.02e-10  8.29e-07
IGF2BP1    17 -5.71   1.430  -8.33 7.23e-10  1.09e-06
HOXD3       2 -6.17  -0.315  -7.79 3.18e-09  4.22e-06
PIK3C2A    11  1.82   7.601   7.78 3.26e-09  4.22e-06
HOXD-AS2    2 -4.90  -1.200  -7.33 1.14e-08  1.38e-05
LNX1        4  5.03   3.740   7.19 1.71e-08  1.94e-05
OIT3       10 -4.20   0.979  -7.13 2.01e-08  2.15e-05
PIEZO2     18 -5.63   4.530  -7.02 2.79e-08  2.81e-05
CLRN1-AS1   3 -4.52   0.700  -6.84 4.57e-08  4.24e-05
FOLH1      11 -5.38   0.615  -6.84 4.68e-08  4.24e-05

DCM vs Fetal

                                                            GENENAME CHR logFC
PRND                                       prion like protein doppel  20 -6.80
NTS                                                      neurotensin  12 -7.47
PRSS35                                            serine protease 35   6 -6.00
IGF2BP1          insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17 -6.19
IGF2BP3          insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -5.80
LAMA5                                        laminin subunit alpha 5  20  2.75
RASGRF2   Ras protein specific guanine nucleotide releasing factor 2   5  4.56
INHBB                                         inhibin subunit beta B   2  6.51
IGF2BP2          insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 2   3 -3.08
CLRN1-AS1                                      CLRN1 antisense RNA 1   3 -4.78
PEG10                                        paternally expressed 10   7 -5.31
PRCP                                          prolylcarboxypeptidase  11 -2.35
NCAPG                          non-SMC condensin I complex subunit G   4 -5.14
OIT3                                oncoprotein induced transcript 3  10 -4.43
SOX11                                SRY-box transcription factor 11   2 -6.70
PITPNC1          phosphatidylinositol transfer protein cytoplasmic 1  17  3.31
ITM2C                                   integral membrane protein 2C   2 -5.15
KIF23                                       kinesin family member 23  15 -4.47
CDCA7                               cell division cycle associated 7   2 -4.40
NPPA                                           natriuretic peptide A   1 -4.18
          AveExpr      t  P.Value adj.P.Val
PRND       -1.486 -18.24 6.29e-19  1.14e-14
NTS        -0.749 -16.85 6.56e-18  5.95e-14
PRSS35      1.234 -12.16 6.21e-14  3.75e-10
IGF2BP1     1.430 -10.11 7.44e-12  3.37e-08
IGF2BP3     4.262  -9.97 1.06e-11  3.84e-08
LAMA5       4.551   9.30 5.58e-11  1.69e-07
RASGRF2     4.509   8.59 3.59e-10  9.30e-07
INHBB       0.223   8.43 5.61e-10  1.27e-06
IGF2BP2     6.881  -8.13 1.25e-09  2.53e-06
CLRN1-AS1   0.700  -7.71 3.95e-09  6.73e-06
PEG10       1.153  -7.70 4.08e-09  6.73e-06
PRCP        5.244  -7.49 7.19e-09  1.08e-05
NCAPG       1.576  -7.47 7.71e-09  1.08e-05
OIT3        0.979  -7.42 8.71e-09  1.08e-05
SOX11       1.114  -7.43 8.95e-09  1.08e-05
PITPNC1     8.461   7.37 1.01e-08  1.15e-05
ITM2C       3.189  -7.11 2.15e-08  2.29e-05
KIF23       1.843  -7.07 2.40e-08  2.42e-05
CDCA7       1.408  -7.00 2.86e-08  2.73e-05
NPPA        4.742  -6.97 3.13e-08  2.84e-05


                                             GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
CSNK1G2                       casein kinase 1 gamma 2  19  1.99  4.9849  6.36
SMTNL2                              smoothelin like 2  17 -4.35  1.3526 -6.22
SLC7A14             solute carrier family 7 member 14   3 -3.84  1.1202 -5.13
PTHLH                parathyroid hormone like hormone  12 -3.97 -0.0785 -4.83
INHBB                          inhibin subunit beta B   2  3.05  0.2225  4.79
HRCT1              histidine rich carboxyl terminus 1   9 -3.69  0.3175 -4.79
LYPD2                   LY6/PLAUR domain containing 2   8 -3.56 -1.3327 -4.74
CDH11                                     cadherin 11  16 -2.63  6.1066 -4.73
LINC01117 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1117   2  3.49  3.0468  4.71
HOXD3                                     homeobox D3   2  4.48 -0.3148  4.69
           P.Value adj.P.Val
CSNK1G2   1.81e-07   0.00248
SMTNL2    2.74e-07   0.00248
SLC7A14   6.64e-06   0.04012
PTHLH     1.61e-05   0.04382
INHBB     1.76e-05   0.04382
HRCT1     1.81e-05   0.04382
LYPD2     2.07e-05   0.04382
CDH11     2.11e-05   0.04382
LINC01117 2.23e-05   0.04382
HOXD3     2.42e-05   0.04382

Male vs Female in Fetal samples

                                        GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
APOA2                          apolipoprotein A2   1 -3.74  -2.107 -6.55
GPHA2       glycoprotein hormone subunit alpha 2  11 -3.74  -2.139 -5.76
BMP10              bone morphogenetic protein 10   2 -4.39  -1.817 -5.47
ADGRA1    adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1  10 -4.16  -1.663 -5.40
ALB                                      albumin   4 -4.44  -1.191 -4.82
CBLN4                     cerebellin 4 precursor  20 -3.10  -1.963 -4.76
SMAD1-AS1                  SMAD1 antisense RNA 1   4  4.12  -1.296  4.47
SCEL                                    sciellin  13 -3.90  -0.678 -4.36
RBP4                   retinol binding protein 4  10 -4.16  -1.640 -4.12
SLC6A11        solute carrier family 6 member 11   3 -4.07  -0.879 -3.88
           P.Value adj.P.Val
APOA2     1.04e-07   0.00188
GPHA2     1.05e-06   0.00953
BMP10     2.46e-06   0.01351
ADGRA1    2.98e-06   0.01351
ALB       1.67e-05   0.05829
CBLN4     1.93e-05   0.05829
SMAD1-AS1 4.67e-05   0.12096
SCEL      6.39e-05   0.14487
RBP4      1.26e-04   0.25380
SLC6A11   2.49e-04   0.45236

Male vs Female in ND samples

                                                   GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
UMODL1                                    uromodulin like 1  21  6.55  -0.516
ITLN1                                          intelectin 1   1 -3.87  -0.915
CLDN6                                             claudin 6  16 -4.01  -0.808
MAFA                        MAF bZIP transcription factor A   8 -4.42  -1.742
C16orf78                chromosome 16 open reading frame 78  16  3.88  -0.497
GSDMC                                           gasdermin C   8 -4.26  -1.216
CRABP1             cellular retinoic acid binding protein 1  15 -4.42  -1.119
NKAIN2   sodium/potassium transporting ATPase interacting 2   6 -3.64   4.799
ZNF750                              zinc finger protein 750  17  4.67   0.359
OPN5                                                opsin 5   6  5.28  -0.377
             t  P.Value adj.P.Val
UMODL1    5.17 6.25e-06     0.113
ITLN1    -4.67 2.55e-05     0.231
CLDN6    -4.27 8.22e-05     0.356
MAFA     -4.24 9.03e-05     0.356
C16orf78  4.21 9.82e-05     0.356
GSDMC    -3.97 1.93e-04     0.542
CRABP1   -3.93 2.24e-04     0.542
NKAIN2   -3.88 2.46e-04     0.542
ZNF750    3.86 2.76e-04     0.542
OPN5      3.82 3.10e-04     0.542

Male vs Female in DCM samples

                                                    GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
CCDC3                        coiled-coil domain containing 3  10  2.94   5.334
C4orf54                   chromosome 4 open reading frame 54   4  6.06  -1.023
CSNK1G2                              casein kinase 1 gamma 2  19  1.98   4.985
JRKL                                                JRK like  11 -4.58   3.031
ERICH6-AS1                            ERICH6 antisense RNA 1   3 -5.00   2.337
C5orf34                   chromosome 5 open reading frame 34   5 -4.16   2.415
LYSMD1                              LysM domain containing 1   1 -4.09   2.383
ATAD3C                ATPase family AAA domain containing 3C   1  2.76   1.401
OR51E1     olfactory receptor family 51 subfamily E member 1  11 -4.87   0.525
CSF3                             colony stimulating factor 3  17  5.22  -1.540
               t  P.Value adj.P.Val
CCDC3       5.83 8.50e-07   0.00859
C4orf54     5.69 1.31e-06   0.00859
CSNK1G2     5.65 1.42e-06   0.00859
JRKL       -5.33 3.75e-06   0.01701
ERICH6-AS1 -5.25 4.72e-06   0.01713
C5orf34    -5.14 6.45e-06   0.01949
LYSMD1     -5.05 8.36e-06   0.02167
ATAD3C      4.92 1.20e-05   0.02714
OR51E1     -4.82 1.68e-05   0.03385
CSF3        4.77 1.99e-05   0.03614

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and Fetal

APOA2                                                                apolipoprotein A2
JRKL                                                                          JRK like
TTLL2                                                   tubulin tyrosine ligase like 2
ELFN2   extracellular leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 2
GPHA2                                             glycoprotein hormone subunit alpha 2
SLC6A2                                                solute carrier family 6 member 2
MGMT                                           O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase
C4orf54                                             chromosome 4 open reading frame 54
C5orf34                                             chromosome 5 open reading frame 34
BMP10                                                    bone morphogenetic protein 10
        CHR logFC AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
APOA2     1  4.00  -2.107  5.00 9.86e-06     0.179
JRKL     11 -5.19   3.031 -4.65 2.82e-05     0.221
TTLL2     6 -5.99  -0.373 -4.48 4.78e-05     0.221
ELFN2    22 -5.39  -0.306 -4.40 5.81e-05     0.221
GPHA2    11  3.99  -2.139  4.37 6.09e-05     0.221
SLC6A2   16  4.86  -1.045  4.28 8.25e-05     0.229
MGMT     10 -2.55   6.986 -4.24 8.82e-05     0.229
C4orf54   4  7.26  -1.023  4.14 1.34e-04     0.241
C5orf34   5 -4.27   2.415 -4.10 1.36e-04     0.241
BMP10     2  4.75  -1.817  4.08 1.44e-04     0.241

Interaction of sex differences between ND and Fetal

                                        GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
UMODL1                         uromodulin like 1  21  9.32  -0.516  4.88
APOA2                          apolipoprotein A2   1  3.57  -2.107  4.23
ADGRA1    adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1  10  4.77  -1.663  4.21
SMAD1-AS1                  SMAD1 antisense RNA 1   4 -5.22  -1.296 -3.97
PRG4                              proteoglycan 4   1  6.56   0.266  3.88
C16orf78     chromosome 16 open reading frame 78  16  4.62  -0.497  3.84
GPHA2       glycoprotein hormone subunit alpha 2  11  3.57  -2.139  3.72
NCBP2-AS1                  NCBP2 antisense RNA 1   3 -6.16   0.340 -3.75
OPN5                                     opsin 5   6  5.42  -0.377  3.62
ALB                                      albumin   4  5.08  -1.191  3.57
           P.Value adj.P.Val
UMODL1    1.63e-05     0.296
APOA2     9.00e-05     0.605
ADGRA1    1.00e-04     0.605
SMAD1-AS1 2.01e-04     0.879
PRG4      2.78e-04     0.879
C16orf78  2.91e-04     0.879
GPHA2     3.91e-04     0.911
NCBP2-AS1 4.02e-04     0.911
OPN5      5.58e-04     1.000
ALB       6.24e-04     1.000

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and ND

                                                    GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
CCDC3                        coiled-coil domain containing 3  10  4.37   5.334
NKAIN2    sodium/potassium transporting ATPase interacting 2   6  6.20   4.799
BMPR1A           bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1A  10  3.24   8.038
ADAD2                adenosine deaminase domain containing 2  16 -6.78  -1.739
ATAD3C                ATPase family AAA domain containing 3C   1  4.18   1.401
LINC02316        long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2316  14 -6.31   0.184
JRKL                                                JRK like  11 -5.19   3.031
C16orf78                 chromosome 16 open reading frame 78  16 -5.14  -0.497
CAVIN2                         caveolae associated protein 2   2 -4.03   3.671
SMIM28                    small integral membrane protein 28   6  5.75  -1.501
              t  P.Value adj.P.Val
CCDC3      5.93 6.36e-07    0.0115
NKAIN2     5.68 1.36e-06    0.0124
BMPR1A     5.20 5.36e-06    0.0324
ADAD2     -5.07 8.64e-06    0.0392
ATAD3C     4.54 3.76e-05    0.1365
LINC02316 -4.49 4.70e-05    0.1422
JRKL      -4.28 8.35e-05    0.2165
C16orf78  -4.14 1.25e-04    0.2838
CAVIN2    -4.03 1.65e-04    0.3108
SMIM28     3.98 2.03e-04    0.3108
plot(treat.endo$coefficients[,1],treat.endo$coefficients[,2],xlab="logFC: ND vs Fetal", ylab="logFC: DCM vs Fetal",main="endothelial cells",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <-  dt.endo[,1] !=0 | dt.endo[,2] != 0

plot(treat.endo$coefficients[,4],treat.endo$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="endothelial cells: Sex differences - Fetal and ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.endo[,4] !=0 | dt.endo[,5] != 0

plot(treat.endo$coefficients[,4],treat.endo$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="endothelial cells: Sex differences - Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.endo[,4] !=0 | dt.endo[,6] != 0

plot(treat.endo$coefficients[,5],treat.endo$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="endothelial cells: Sex differences - ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.endo[,5] !=0 | dt.endo[,6] != 0

plot(treat.endo$coefficients[,4],treat.endo$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="endothelial cells: Interaction term: Fetal vs ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.endo[,8] !=0
if(length(rownames(dt.endo)[sig.genes]) !=0)
plot(treat.endo$coefficients[,4],treat.endo$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="endothelial cells: Interaction term: Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.endo[,7] !=0 
if(length(rownames(dt.endo)[sig.genes]) !=0)
plot(treat.endo$coefficients[,5],treat.endo$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="endothelial cells: Interaction term: ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.endo[,9] !=0 
if(length(rownames(dt.endo)[sig.genes]) !=0)

Immune cells

cont.immune <- makeContrasts(NvF = 0.5*(immune.ND.Male + immune.ND.Female) - 0.5*(immune.Fetal.Male + immune.Fetal.Female),
                         DvF = 0.5*(immune.DCM.Male + immune.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(immune.Fetal.Male + immune.Fetal.Female),
                         DvN = 0.5*(immune.DCM.Male + immune.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(immune.ND.Male + immune.ND.Female),
                         SexFetal = immune.Fetal.Male - immune.Fetal.Female,
                         SexND = immune.ND.Male - immune.ND.Female,
                         SexDCM = immune.DCM.Male - immune.DCM.Female,
                         InteractionDF = (immune.DCM.Male - immune.Fetal.Male) - (immune.DCM.Female - immune.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionNF = (immune.ND.Male - immune.Fetal.Male) - (immune.ND.Female - immune.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionDN = (immune.DCM.Male - immune.ND.Male) - (immune.DCM.Female - immune.ND.Female),
fit.immune <-,contrasts = cont.immune)
fit.immune <- eBayes(fit.immune,robust=TRUE)

         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     293   305   233        0    15     56             2             0
NotSig 17584 17549 17805    18141 18124  18054         18139         18141
Up       264   287   103        0     2     31             0             0
Down               7
NotSig         18131
Up                 3
treat.immune <- treat(fit.immune,lfc=0.5)


         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     111    76    41        0     1     13             0             0
NotSig 17953 18024 18097    18141 18140  18122         18141         18141
Up        77    41     3        0     0      6             0             0
Down               0
NotSig         18140
Up                 1
for(i in 1:9){

barplot(summary(dt.immune)[-2,],beside=TRUE,legend=TRUE,col=c("blue","red"),ylab="Number of significant genes",las=2)
title("Immune cells")

ND vs Fetal

                                                     GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
IGF2BP3   insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -4.85  4.2625
IGF2BP1   insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17 -6.03  1.4304
HBA1                               hemoglobin subunit alpha 1  16 -8.00  1.4280
LINC02513         long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2513   4 -5.40 -1.6603
MSLN                                               mesothelin  16 -4.97 -1.6690
MMP15                              matrix metallopeptidase 15  16 -5.19  2.5922
DLK1                  delta like non-canonical Notch ligand 1  14 -6.13  1.5811
NPPA                                    natriuretic peptide A   1 -3.97  4.7417
HBA2                               hemoglobin subunit alpha 2  16 -7.12  2.3080
FRMD5                                FERM domain containing 5  15 -3.48  5.8962
LINC01127         long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1127   2  3.57 -1.7359
SAP30                             Sin3A associated protein 30   4  3.39  3.3640
FGL1                                        fibrinogen like 1   8 -3.59 -0.1266
PRSS35                                     serine protease 35   6 -4.01  1.2339
FBXL7                 F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 7   5 -2.75 10.1340
LINC00968          long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 968   8  4.14  1.5733
MYL7                                     myosin light chain 7   7 -5.71  4.0768
NAV3                                       neuron navigator 3  12 -2.89  7.6696
CX3CR1                      C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1   3 -4.09  0.0129
LINC02621         long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2621  10  3.84 -1.1386
               t  P.Value adj.P.Val
IGF2BP3   -10.07 8.20e-12  1.49e-07
IGF2BP1    -8.31 7.85e-10  7.12e-06
HBA1       -7.90 2.44e-09  1.48e-05
LINC02513  -7.71 3.95e-09  1.79e-05
MSLN       -6.92 3.60e-08  1.31e-04
MMP15      -6.42 1.54e-07  4.06e-04
DLK1       -6.42 1.57e-07  4.06e-04
NPPA       -6.32 2.04e-07  4.42e-04
HBA2       -6.31 2.19e-07  4.42e-04
FRMD5      -6.07 4.16e-07  6.06e-04
LINC01127   6.07 4.24e-07  6.06e-04
SAP30       6.06 4.32e-07  6.06e-04
FGL1       -6.06 4.34e-07  6.06e-04
PRSS35     -6.02 4.92e-07  6.37e-04
FBXL7      -5.98 5.41e-07  6.39e-04
LINC00968   5.97 5.63e-07  6.39e-04
MYL7       -5.81 9.23e-07  9.85e-04
NAV3       -5.74 1.11e-06  1.12e-03
CX3CR1     -5.70 1.25e-06  1.18e-03
LINC02621   5.67 1.36e-06  1.18e-03

DCM vs Fetal

                                                     GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
LINC02513         long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2513   4 -5.69 -1.6603
IGF2BP3   insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7 -5.18  4.2625
FGL1                                        fibrinogen like 1   8 -4.46 -0.1266
CPA3                                      carboxypeptidase A3   3 -5.75  0.4617
IGF2BP1   insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17 -5.05  1.4304
CX3CR1                      C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1   3 -5.22  0.0129
SIGLEC6                  sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 6  19 -4.45 -1.2667
PRSS35                                     serine protease 35   6 -3.92  1.2339
LINC01478         long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1478  18 -5.00  0.5891
TPSAB1                                  tryptase alpha/beta 1  16 -6.25 -0.3565
MS4A2                          membrane spanning 4-domains A2  11 -5.27 -0.4253
MSLN                                               mesothelin  16 -4.16 -1.6690
SFMBT2                       Scm like with four mbt domains 2  10 -2.08  7.3279
IGHM                         immunoglobulin heavy constant mu  14 -4.40 -0.8645
HDC                                   histidine decarboxylase  15 -5.06  0.2846
TNNI1                         troponin I1, slow skeletal type   1 -6.23  2.4286
SMIM35                     small integral membrane protein 35  11 -5.21  1.9819
SGMS2                                sphingomyelin synthase 2   4  4.55  4.8398
SEMA7A          semaphorin 7A (John Milton Hagen blood group)  15 -2.96  0.3886
LINC01605         long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1605   8 -3.82  1.6391
              t  P.Value adj.P.Val
LINC02513 -8.74 2.42e-10  4.40e-06
IGF2BP3   -8.43 5.52e-10  5.01e-06
FGL1      -7.84 2.76e-09  1.67e-05
CPA3      -7.42 8.89e-09  3.24e-05
IGF2BP1   -7.38 9.95e-09  3.24e-05
CX3CR1    -7.35 1.07e-08  3.24e-05
SIGLEC6   -6.63 8.32e-08  2.16e-04
PRSS35    -6.24 2.56e-07  5.80e-04
LINC01478 -6.10 3.93e-07  7.92e-04
TPSAB1    -6.01 5.15e-07  8.86e-04
MS4A2     -5.99 5.37e-07  8.86e-04
MSLN      -5.84 8.35e-07  1.26e-03
SFMBT2    -5.79 9.39e-07  1.31e-03
IGHM      -5.72 1.18e-06  1.53e-03
HDC       -5.68 1.32e-06  1.60e-03
TNNI1     -5.67 1.43e-06  1.62e-03
SMIM35    -5.57 1.85e-06  1.98e-03
SGMS2      5.48 2.43e-06  2.32e-03
SEMA7A    -5.46 2.50e-06  2.32e-03
LINC01605 -5.45 2.57e-06  2.32e-03


                                        GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
CCDC40          coiled-coil domain containing 40  17 -3.42   3.985 -7.43
SPATA8-AS1 SPATA8 antisense RNA 1 (head to head)  15 -3.43  -2.053 -6.72
CEP55                     centrosomal protein 55  10 -3.67   1.344 -6.17
SIGLEC10   sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 10  19 -3.88  -0.428 -6.02
GTSE1                 G2 and S-phase expressed 1  22 -4.17   2.121 -5.91
FANCI                 FA complementation group I  15 -2.96   3.862 -5.65
NCAPG      non-SMC condensin I complex subunit G   4 -3.87   1.576 -5.48
FOXM1                            forkhead box M1  12 -3.35   1.818 -5.26
SAP30                Sin3A associated protein 30   4 -2.71   3.364 -5.19
CPA3                         carboxypeptidase A3   3 -4.17   0.462 -5.05
            P.Value adj.P.Val
CCDC40     8.61e-09  0.000156
SPATA8-AS1 6.44e-08  0.000584
CEP55      3.17e-07  0.001918
SIGLEC10   4.90e-07  0.002223
GTSE1      6.75e-07  0.002448
FANCI      1.42e-06  0.004303
NCAPG      2.37e-06  0.006136
FOXM1      4.45e-06  0.010090
SAP30      5.52e-06  0.011124
CPA3       8.43e-06  0.015290

Male vs Female in Fetal samples

                                                  GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
MT1H                                    metallothionein 1H  16 -4.14 -1.9453
MOCOS                        molybdenum cofactor sulfurase  18 -4.05  2.1568
SLC6A1-AS1                          SLC6A1 antisense RNA 1   3 -4.86  1.9098
PRDM6                                      PR/SET domain 6   5 -4.69  3.4719
HNRNPUL2-BSCL2  HNRNPUL2-BSCL2 readthrough (NMD candidate)  11 -3.40  0.2831
PLET1                      placenta expressed transcript 1  11  4.21  1.4954
HEMGN                                              hemogen   9 -3.34 -0.4707
ZNF541                             zinc finger protein 541  19  3.42  0.5619
ALB                                                albumin   4 -4.02 -1.1914
LINC01538      long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1538  18 -3.02  0.0519
                   t  P.Value adj.P.Val
MT1H           -4.65 2.70e-05     0.489
MOCOS          -4.27 8.18e-05     0.653
SLC6A1-AS1     -4.07 1.49e-04     0.653
PRDM6          -4.04 1.61e-04     0.653
HNRNPUL2-BSCL2 -3.99 1.80e-04     0.653
PLET1           3.59 5.66e-04     1.000
HEMGN          -3.57 5.88e-04     1.000
ZNF541          3.49 7.32e-04     1.000
ALB            -3.47 7.82e-04     1.000
LINC01538      -3.46 7.91e-04     1.000

Male vs Female in ND samples

                                                     GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
LINC01839         long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1839   3 -5.66   -1.89
SPATA8-AS1              SPATA8 antisense RNA 1 (head to head)  15 -3.40   -2.05
GTSE1                              G2 and S-phase expressed 1  22 -3.67    2.12
SIX5                                           SIX homeobox 5  19  3.99    2.25
STIL                         STIL centriolar assembly protein   1 -2.67    2.88
IGHG3      immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (G3m marker)  14 -7.55   -1.17
LINC01416         long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1416  18  5.26    1.32
SPC24            SPC24 component of NDC80 kinetochore complex  19 -2.90    1.93
KIF14                                kinesin family member 14   1 -3.04    2.00
NCAPH                   non-SMC condensin I complex subunit H   2 -3.26    1.40
               t  P.Value adj.P.Val
LINC01839  -8.01 1.75e-09  3.17e-05
SPATA8-AS1 -5.06 8.18e-06  7.42e-02
GTSE1      -4.88 1.36e-05  8.23e-02
SIX5        4.62 2.96e-05  1.34e-01
STIL       -4.53 3.72e-05  1.35e-01
IGHG3      -4.48 5.02e-05  1.43e-01
LINC01416   4.38 6.13e-05  1.43e-01
SPC24      -4.31 7.08e-05  1.43e-01
KIF14      -4.31 7.11e-05  1.43e-01
NCAPH      -4.22 9.29e-05  1.69e-01

Male vs Female in DCM samples

                                                           GENENAME CHR logFC
RPUSD3                                RNA pseudouridine synthase D3   3 -3.30
VPS9D1                                     VPS9 domain containing 1  16  2.69
LINC01839               long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1839   3 -4.62
TRABD                                        TraB domain containing  22  2.20
APOBEC3G  apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3G  22 -4.55
FAM200B                family with sequence similarity 200 member B   4 -3.42
SLC46A1                           solute carrier family 46 member 1  17 -3.70
AKIP1                                A-kinase interacting protein 1  11 -3.35
MEX3C                             mex-3 RNA binding family member C  18 -3.68
LMNB1                                                      lamin B1   5  3.36
          AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
RPUSD3       3.49 -6.01 5.01e-07   0.00664
VPS9D1       4.79  5.81 8.90e-07   0.00664
LINC01839   -1.89 -5.69 1.29e-06   0.00664
TRABD        4.26  5.64 1.46e-06   0.00664
APOBEC3G     2.03 -5.47 2.50e-06   0.00907
FAM200B      3.73 -5.36 3.36e-06   0.01015
SLC46A1      1.44 -5.14 6.48e-06   0.01680
AKIP1        3.27 -4.99 9.96e-06   0.02031
MEX3C        3.82 -4.99 1.01e-05   0.02031
LMNB1        3.83  4.90 1.29e-05   0.02167

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and Fetal

                                                          GENENAME CHR logFC
APOBEC3G apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3G  22 -6.04
RPUSD3                               RNA pseudouridine synthase D3   3 -3.69
SLC46A1                          solute carrier family 46 member 1  17 -4.42
CLDN7                                                    claudin 7  17 -6.77
CD180                                               CD180 molecule   5 -4.12
TMEM254                                  transmembrane protein 254  10 -4.36
SIGLEC11                     sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 11  19 -5.43
CX3CR1                           C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1   3 -5.86
SUCNR1                                        succinate receptor 1   3 -7.81
TREML1       triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells like 1   6 -5.24
         AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
APOBEC3G  2.0293 -5.16 6.40e-06     0.116
RPUSD3    3.4928 -4.86 1.44e-05     0.131
SLC46A1   1.4436 -4.42 5.32e-05     0.266
CLDN7    -0.4782 -4.32 7.74e-05     0.266
CD180    -0.6317 -4.24 9.03e-05     0.266
TMEM254   3.4798 -4.19 1.05e-04     0.266
SIGLEC11 -2.0202 -4.18 1.12e-04     0.266
CX3CR1    0.0129 -4.17 1.17e-04     0.266
SUCNR1   -1.2011 -4.10 1.55e-04     0.313
TREML1   -1.4635 -4.01 1.84e-04     0.334

Interaction of sex differences between ND and Fetal

                                              GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
SIX5                                    SIX homeobox 5  19  5.73  2.2471  4.87
LINC01416  long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1416  18  7.90  1.3167  4.62
LINC02321  long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2321  14  4.40 -1.5036  4.14
CSTA                                        cystatin A   3 -5.83  0.0134 -4.08
SIGLEC11         sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 11  19 -5.36 -2.0202 -4.04
SLC6A1-AS1                      SLC6A1 antisense RNA 1   3  6.57  1.9098  3.84
CCL13                    C-C motif chemokine ligand 13  17  5.79 -1.5642  3.78
LINC02086  long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2086  17  5.89  0.2156  3.77
E2F2                        E2F transcription factor 2   1 -5.86  0.0973 -3.76
NUSAP1      nucleolar and spindle associated protein 1  15 -5.51 -0.6840 -3.73
            P.Value adj.P.Val
SIX5       1.51e-05     0.274
LINC01416  3.38e-05     0.307
LINC02321  1.22e-04     0.607
CSTA       1.53e-04     0.607
SIGLEC11   1.67e-04     0.607
SLC6A1-AS1 3.12e-04     0.727
CCL13      3.57e-04     0.727
LINC02086  3.77e-04     0.727
E2F2       3.83e-04     0.727
NUSAP1     4.07e-04     0.727

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and ND

                                                           GENENAME CHR logFC
LMNB1                                                      lamin B1   5  5.12
AKIP1                                A-kinase interacting protein 1  11 -4.24
LINC01416               long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1416  18 -7.85
CCL13                                 C-C motif chemokine ligand 13  17 -6.91
APOBEC3G  apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3G  22 -4.96
RPUSD3                                RNA pseudouridine synthase D3   3 -3.29
METRN                meteorin, glial cell differentiation regulator  16 -3.62
ANKRA2                             ankyrin repeat family A member 2   5 -4.34
TRDC                                 T cell receptor delta constant  14 -6.38
C4orf54                          chromosome 4 open reading frame 54   4  8.32
          AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
LMNB1        3.83  5.76 1.06e-06    0.0192
AKIP1        3.27 -5.14 6.40e-06    0.0506
LINC01416    1.32 -4.95 1.25e-05    0.0506
CCL13       -1.56 -4.92 1.32e-05    0.0506
APOBEC3G     2.03 -4.88 1.40e-05    0.0506
RPUSD3       3.49 -4.57 3.34e-05    0.1009
METRN        3.85 -4.41 5.39e-05    0.1141
ANKRA2       4.54 -4.40 5.62e-05    0.1141
TRDC        -1.48 -4.43 5.66e-05    0.1141
C4orf54     -1.02  4.32 8.21e-05    0.1489
plot(treat.immune$coefficients[,1],treat.immune$coefficients[,2],xlab="logFC: ND vs Fetal", ylab="logFC: DCM vs Fetal",main="immune cells",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <-  dt.immune[,1] !=0 | dt.immune[,2] != 0

plot(treat.immune$coefficients[,4],treat.immune$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="immune cells: Sex differences - Fetal and ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.immune[,4] !=0 | dt.immune[,5] != 0

plot(treat.immune$coefficients[,4],treat.immune$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="immune cells: Sex differences - Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.immune[,4] !=0 | dt.immune[,6] != 0

plot(treat.immune$coefficients[,5],treat.immune$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="immune cells: Sex differences - ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.immune[,5] !=0 | dt.immune[,6] != 0

plot(treat.immune$coefficients[,4],treat.immune$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="immune cells: Interaction term: Fetal vs ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.immune[,8] !=0 
plot(treat.immune$coefficients[,4],treat.immune$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="immune cells: Interaction term: Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.immune[,7] !=0 
if(length(rownames(dt.immune)[sig.genes]) !=0)
plot(treat.immune$coefficients[,5],treat.immune$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="immune cells: Interaction term: ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.immune[,9] !=0 


cont.neurons <- makeContrasts(NvF = 0.5*(neurons.ND.Male + neurons.ND.Female) - 0.5*(neurons.Fetal.Male + neurons.Fetal.Female),
                         DvF = 0.5*(neurons.DCM.Male + neurons.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(neurons.Fetal.Male + neurons.Fetal.Female),
                         DvN = 0.5*(neurons.DCM.Male + neurons.DCM.Female) - 0.5*(neurons.ND.Male + neurons.ND.Female),
                         SexFetal = neurons.Fetal.Male - neurons.Fetal.Female,
                         SexND = neurons.ND.Male - neurons.ND.Female,
                         SexDCM = neurons.DCM.Male - neurons.DCM.Female,
                         InteractionDF = (neurons.DCM.Male - neurons.Fetal.Male) - (neurons.DCM.Female - neurons.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionNF = (neurons.ND.Male - neurons.Fetal.Male) - (neurons.ND.Female - neurons.Fetal.Female),
                         InteractionDN = (neurons.DCM.Male - neurons.ND.Male) - (neurons.DCM.Female - neurons.ND.Female),
fit.neurons <-,contrasts = cont.neurons)
fit.neurons <- eBayes(fit.neurons,robust=TRUE)

         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     430   274    15        0     2     15             0             0
NotSig 17379 17703 18107    18140 18129  18123         18141         18141
Up       332   164    19        1    10      3             0             0
Down               2
NotSig         18139
Up                 0
treat.neurons <- treat(fit.neurons,lfc=0.5)


         NvF   DvF   DvN SexFetal SexND SexDCM InteractionDF InteractionNF
Down     214    99     0        0     0      2             0             0
NotSig 17780 17997 18139    18141 18139  18139         18141         18141
Up       147    45     2        0     2      0             0             0
Down               0
NotSig         18141
Up                 0
for(i in 1:9){

barplot(summary(dt.neurons)[-2,],beside=TRUE,legend=TRUE,col=c("blue","red"),ylab="Number of significant genes",las=2)

ND vs Fetal

                                                      GENENAME CHR logFC
LINC00598           long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 598  13  4.10
PHOX2B                                 paired like homeobox 2B   4 -6.13
SLC5A8                        solute carrier family 5 member 8  12 -5.67
RANBP17                                 RAN binding protein 17   5 -4.37
UBA7               ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 7   3  5.20
GBP2                               guanylate binding protein 2   1  8.43
NRN1                                                neuritin 1   6  7.13
IGF2BP1    insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17 -5.20
COL20A1                         collagen type XX alpha 1 chain  20 -4.74
COL2A1                          collagen type II alpha 1 chain  12 -6.53
OGFRL1                    opioid growth factor receptor like 1   6  5.59
ADRA1B                                   adrenoceptor alpha 1B   5  7.28
SHISA9                                   shisa family member 9  16  3.02
KCNH5     potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 5  14 -5.08
GLDN                                                 gliomedin  15  7.54
NPTX2                                     neuronal pentraxin 2   7  7.14
NAV3                                        neuron navigator 3  12 -5.36
DHH                         desert hedgehog signaling molecule  12 -4.93
MMD2       monocyte to macrophage differentiation associated 2   7 -5.55
FAM135B           family with sequence similarity 135 member B   8  4.59
          AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
LINC00598   4.661 10.28 4.80e-12  8.71e-08
PHOX2B     -1.793 -9.45 3.88e-11  3.52e-07
SLC5A8     -0.497 -9.04 1.11e-10  6.74e-07
RANBP17     7.180 -7.83 2.79e-09  1.27e-05
UBA7        2.838  7.71 4.00e-09  1.43e-05
GBP2        3.672  7.64 5.03e-09  1.43e-05
NRN1        0.985  7.60 5.52e-09  1.43e-05
IGF2BP1     1.430 -7.24 1.46e-08  2.94e-05
COL20A1    -1.162 -7.18 1.76e-08  2.94e-05
COL2A1     -1.223 -7.16 1.87e-08  2.94e-05
OGFRL1      4.930  7.15 1.92e-08  2.94e-05
ADRA1B      2.893  7.16 1.95e-08  2.94e-05
SHISA9      2.741  7.03 2.65e-08  3.70e-05
KCNH5       1.426 -6.97 3.18e-08  4.12e-05
GLDN        3.057  6.95 3.47e-08  4.19e-05
NPTX2       0.472  6.92 3.80e-08  4.31e-05
NAV3        7.670 -6.78 5.41e-08  5.66e-05
DHH        -0.187 -6.77 5.62e-08  5.66e-05
MMD2        0.880 -6.72 6.59e-08  6.29e-05
FAM135B     2.467  6.66 7.62e-08  6.92e-05

DCM vs Fetal

                                                                  GENENAME CHR
SLC5A8                                    solute carrier family 5 member 8  12
COL20A1                                     collagen type XX alpha 1 chain  20
PHOX2B                                             paired like homeobox 2B   4
ALK                                           ALK receptor tyrosine kinase   2
UBA7                           ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 7   3
COL2A1                                      collagen type II alpha 1 chain  12
DLX1                                                distal-less homeobox 1   2
IGF2BP1                insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1  17
LINC00682                       long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 682   4
ITGB4                                              integrin subunit beta 4  17
IGF2BP3                insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3   7
CNTN6                                                          contactin 6   3
CNTNAP2                                     contactin associated protein 2   7
FAM135B                       family with sequence similarity 135 member B   8
GLDN                                                             gliomedin  15
GBP2                                           guanylate binding protein 2   1
NRN1                                                            neuritin 1   6
TRPM3     transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 3   9
MDGA2          MAM domain containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor 2  14
STAC                                          SH3 and cysteine rich domain   3
          logFC AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
SLC5A8    -5.87  -0.497 -9.76 1.77e-11  2.58e-07
COL20A1   -5.91  -1.162 -9.57 2.84e-11  2.58e-07
PHOX2B    -5.84  -1.793 -9.26 6.28e-11  3.80e-07
ALK        3.72   3.464  8.19 1.06e-09  4.80e-06
UBA7       4.90   2.838  7.38 9.79e-09  3.55e-05
COL2A1    -6.44  -1.223 -7.31 1.24e-08  3.76e-05
DLX1      -4.72  -1.803 -7.18 1.75e-08  4.53e-05
IGF2BP1   -4.80   1.430 -6.88 4.09e-08  9.27e-05
LINC00682 -4.40  -1.969 -6.72 6.51e-08  1.31e-04
ITGB4      4.78   2.385  6.64 8.07e-08  1.46e-04
IGF2BP3   -4.41   4.262 -6.44 1.43e-07  2.36e-04
CNTN6     -5.07   3.181 -6.39 1.67e-07  2.53e-04
CNTNAP2   -4.30   6.449 -6.30 2.17e-07  3.03e-04
FAM135B    4.41   2.467  6.14 3.40e-07  4.33e-04
GLDN       6.98   3.057  6.15 3.58e-07  4.33e-04
GBP2       7.28   3.672  6.06 4.59e-07  5.20e-04
NRN1       5.94   0.985  6.02 4.99e-07  5.32e-04
TRPM3     -3.41   5.761 -5.90 6.94e-07  6.70e-04
MDGA2     -4.33   3.270 -5.90 7.02e-07  6.70e-04
STAC      -4.57   2.990 -5.84 8.24e-07  7.48e-04


                                              GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
NAV3                                neuron navigator 3  12  5.37    7.67  6.60
MYPN                                       myopalladin  10  6.84    5.17  5.55
MET       MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase   7  4.25    2.88  4.85
GPAT3           glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3   4  5.45    5.67  4.61
DPF3                              double PHD fingers 3  14  5.42    6.16  4.55
LINC00598   long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 598  13 -2.05    4.66 -4.52
JPH1                                    junctophilin 1   8  5.25    4.01  4.51
MYO18B                                   myosin XVIIIB  22  6.28    6.83  4.48
PPARGC1A                     PPARG coactivator 1 alpha   4  5.22    6.05  4.44
ALK                       ALK receptor tyrosine kinase   2  2.38    3.46  4.22
           P.Value adj.P.Val
NAV3      9.21e-08   0.00167
MYPN      2.08e-06   0.01883
MET       1.53e-05   0.09262
GPAT3     3.14e-05   0.10505
DPF3      3.82e-05   0.10505
LINC00598 3.82e-05   0.10505
JPH1      4.19e-05   0.10505
MYO18B    4.79e-05   0.10505
PPARGC1A  5.21e-05   0.10505
ALK       9.10e-05   0.15040

Male vs Female in Fetal samples

SLC48A1                                           solute carrier family 48 member 1
FRS3                                  fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 3
STAC3                                                SH3 and cysteine rich domain 3
CAMSAP3            calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein family member 3
WDR5B                                                           WD repeat domain 5B
LINC02347                               long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2347
FA2H                                                       fatty acid 2-hydroxylase
MAMSTR    MEF2 activating motif and SAP domain containing transcriptional regulator
SNRNP25                          small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U11/U12 subunit 25
BAALC                                               BAALC binder of MAP3K1 and KLF4
          CHR logFC AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
SLC48A1    12  3.66  3.2627  4.96 1.09e-05     0.198
FRS3        6  3.65  2.3486  4.24 8.96e-05     0.813
STAC3      12  4.11  2.2117  4.04 1.58e-04     0.953
CAMSAP3    19  3.30 -0.0384  3.60 5.39e-04     1.000
WDR5B       3 -2.99  1.1511 -3.56 5.92e-04     1.000
LINC02347  12 -4.42 -1.3321 -3.43 9.05e-04     1.000
FA2H       16 -3.26  0.6095 -3.38 9.71e-04     1.000
MAMSTR     19  3.63  2.3998  3.38 1.00e-03     1.000
SNRNP25    16  3.51  1.7396  3.27 1.35e-03     1.000
BAALC       8  4.48  1.4908  3.26 1.44e-03     1.000

Male vs Female in ND samples

                                                           GENENAME CHR logFC
DEDD                               death effector domain containing   1  3.74
CCDC18                             coiled-coil domain containing 18   1  4.62
MITD1   microtubule interacting and trafficking domain containing 1   2  3.90
ZRANB3                         zinc finger RANBP2-type containing 3   2  3.47
RANBP17                                      RAN binding protein 17   5  4.61
DNTTIP1  deoxynucleotidyltransferase terminal interacting protein 1  20  3.72
CREBL2               cAMP responsive element binding protein like 2  12  4.50
FTSJ3                             FtsJ RNA 2'-O-methyltransferase 3  17 -3.61
COG1                        component of oligomeric golgi complex 1  17  2.97
MSI1                                  musashi RNA binding protein 1  12 -4.10
        AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
DEDD       4.41  5.62 1.59e-06    0.0274
CCDC18     5.39  5.40 3.02e-06    0.0274
MITD1      4.57  5.02 9.05e-06    0.0547
ZRANB3     6.65  4.88 1.39e-05    0.0630
RANBP17    7.18  4.68 2.54e-05    0.0757
DNTTIP1    4.10  4.64 2.82e-05    0.0757
CREBL2     4.77  4.63 2.92e-05    0.0757
FTSJ3      3.18 -4.41 5.49e-05    0.1150
COG1       4.19  4.36 6.11e-05    0.1150
MSI1       2.54 -4.36 6.34e-05    0.1150

Male vs Female in DCM samples

                                                  GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr
RPUSD3                       RNA pseudouridine synthase D3   3 -3.29    3.49
CEP162                             centrosomal protein 162   6 -5.45    5.64
C10orf88               chromosome 10 open reading frame 88  10 -3.57    4.22
TSEN15               tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit 15   1 -4.21    5.18
POLDIP2         DNA polymerase delta interacting protein 2  17 -2.85    3.79
AKIP1                       A-kinase interacting protein 1  11 -3.27    3.27
ELAC2                                elaC ribonuclease Z 2  17 -3.37    3.94
STK11IP     serine/threonine kinase 11 interacting protein   2  3.66    2.90
ATPSCKMT ATP synthase c subunit lysine N-methyltransferase   5 -3.41    4.24
BIN3                                 bridging integrator 3   8  2.73    5.42
             t  P.Value adj.P.Val
RPUSD3   -5.54 1.95e-06    0.0354
CEP162   -5.29 4.28e-06    0.0388
C10orf88 -4.72 2.19e-05    0.1010
TSEN15   -4.71 2.31e-05    0.1010
POLDIP2  -4.54 3.70e-05    0.1010
AKIP1    -4.48 4.43e-05    0.1010
ELAC2    -4.48 4.46e-05    0.1010
STK11IP   4.44 4.90e-05    0.1010
ATPSCKMT -4.39 5.75e-05    0.1010
BIN3      4.37 6.06e-05    0.1010

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and Fetal

                                              GENENAME CHR logFC AveExpr     t
WDR5B                              WD repeat domain 5B   3  4.83   1.151  4.58
CEP162                         centrosomal protein 162   6 -5.25   5.635 -3.99
PRR22                                  proline rich 22  19  6.05   0.631  3.94
SLC48A1              solute carrier family 48 member 1  12 -3.96   3.263 -3.89
TSEN15           tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit 15   1 -4.42   5.185 -3.86
RPUSD3                   RNA pseudouridine synthase D3   3 -3.09   3.493 -3.73
C1orf131           chromosome 1 open reading frame 131   1 -3.97   4.040 -3.57
PCBD1       pterin-4 alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase 1  10 -5.07   2.204 -3.55
FRS3     fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 3   6 -4.16   2.349 -3.53
RFC2                    replication factor C subunit 2   7  3.20   4.082  3.49
          P.Value adj.P.Val
WDR5B    3.36e-05      0.61
CEP162   1.91e-04      0.93
PRR22    2.29e-04      0.93
SLC48A1  2.45e-04      0.93
TSEN15   2.66e-04      0.93
RPUSD3   3.76e-04      0.93
C1orf131 6.06e-04      0.93
PCBD1    6.64e-04      0.93
FRS3     6.75e-04      0.93
RFC2     7.26e-04      0.93

Interaction of sex differences between ND and Fetal

                                                          GENENAME CHR logFC
DEDD                              death effector domain containing   1  3.76
ZRANB3                        zinc finger RANBP2-type containing 3   2  3.36
CCDC18                            coiled-coil domain containing 18   1  4.32
CORO7                                                    coronin 7  16 -5.01
PMEL                                         premelanosome protein  12 -5.29
MITD1  microtubule interacting and trafficking domain containing 1   2  3.83
CREBL2              cAMP responsive element binding protein like 2  12  4.65
PNPO                             pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase  17 -5.01
TADA1                                    transcriptional adaptor 1   1  3.60
WDR5B                                          WD repeat domain 5B   3  3.94
       AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
DEDD     4.413  4.24 8.89e-05     0.881
ZRANB3   6.646  4.13 1.21e-04     0.881
CCDC18   5.392  4.04 1.59e-04     0.881
CORO7    0.663 -3.80 3.24e-04     0.881
PMEL     1.302 -3.73 4.06e-04     0.881
MITD1    4.569  3.64 4.84e-04     0.881
CREBL2   4.767  3.63 5.26e-04     0.881
PNPO     1.526 -3.62 5.42e-04     0.881
TADA1    3.728  3.60 5.42e-04     0.881
WDR5B    1.151  3.56 6.20e-04     0.881

Interaction of sex differences between DCM and ND

                                                            GENENAME CHR logFC
ALKBH7                                                alkB homolog 7  19 -5.08
COG1                         component of oligomeric golgi complex 1  17 -4.57
SCOC-AS1                                        SCOC antisense RNA 1   4 -5.02
ZNF85                                         zinc finger protein 85  19 -6.52
MITD1    microtubule interacting and trafficking domain containing 1   2 -4.97
ANP32E              acidic nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member E   1 -4.75
NMNAT1                 nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 1   1 -4.57
IMP4                      IMP U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein 4   2 -4.59
SVBP                                 small vasohibin binding protein   1 -5.24
PRADC1                       protease associated domain containing 1   2 -3.77
         AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val
ALKBH7      3.08 -5.21 5.40e-06    0.0722
COG1        4.19 -5.07 7.96e-06    0.0722
SCOC-AS1    2.52 -4.64 2.87e-05    0.1396
ZNF85       3.76 -4.62 3.20e-05    0.1396
MITD1       4.57 -4.54 3.85e-05    0.1396
ANP32E      4.26 -4.39 5.89e-05    0.1781
NMNAT1      5.16 -4.14 1.23e-04    0.2093
IMP4        3.01 -4.13 1.26e-04    0.2093
SVBP        2.86 -4.13 1.29e-04    0.2093
PRADC1      2.64 -4.10 1.34e-04    0.2093
plot(treat.neurons$coefficients[,1],treat.neurons$coefficients[,2],xlab="logFC: ND vs Fetal", ylab="logFC: DCM vs Fetal",main="neurons",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <-  dt.neurons[,1] !=0 | dt.neurons[,2] != 0

plot(treat.neurons$coefficients[,4],treat.neurons$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="neurons: Sex differences - Fetal and ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.neurons[,4] !=0 | dt.neurons[,5] != 0

plot(treat.neurons$coefficients[,4],treat.neurons$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="neurons: Sex differences - Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.neurons[,4] !=0 | dt.neurons[,6] != 0

plot(treat.neurons$coefficients[,5],treat.neurons$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="neurons: Sex differences - ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)
sig.genes <- dt.neurons[,5] !=0 | dt.neurons[,6] != 0

plot(treat.neurons$coefficients[,4],treat.neurons$coefficients[,5],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: ND Male vs Female",main="neurons: Interaction term: Fetal vs ND",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.neurons[,8] !=0 
plot(treat.neurons$coefficients[,4],treat.neurons$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: Fetal Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="neurons: Interaction term: Fetal and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.neurons[,7] !=0 
plot(treat.neurons$coefficients[,5],treat.neurons$coefficients[,6],xlab="logFC: ND Male vs Female", ylab="logFC: DCM Male vs Female",main="neurons: Interaction term: ND and DCM",col=rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.25),pch=16,cex=0.8)

sig.genes <- dt.neurons[,9] !=0 
if(length(rownames(dt.neurons)[sig.genes]) !=0)

Write out results

fdr.cardio <- apply(treat.cardio$p.value, 2, function(x) p.adjust(x, method="BH"))
output.cardio <- data.frame(treat.cardio$genes,LogFC=treat.cardio$coefficients,AveExp=treat.cardio$Amean,tstat=treat.cardio$t, pvalue=treat.cardio$p.value, fdr=fdr.cardio)

fdr.endo <- apply(treat.endo$p.value, 2, function(x) p.adjust(x, method="BH"))
output.endo <- data.frame(treat.endo$genes,LogFC=treat.endo$coefficients,AveExp=treat.endo$Amean,tstat=treat.endo$t, pvalue=treat.endo$p.value, fdr=fdr.endo)

fdr.peri <- apply(treat.peri$p.value, 2, function(x) p.adjust(x, method="BH"))
output.peri <- data.frame(treat.peri$genes,LogFC=treat.peri$coefficients,AveExp=treat.peri$Amean,tstat=treat.peri$t, pvalue=treat.peri$p.value, fdr=fdr.peri)

fdr.fibro <- apply(treat.fibro$p.value, 2, function(x) p.adjust(x, method="BH"))
output.fibro <- data.frame(treat.fibro$genes,LogFC=treat.fibro$coefficients,AveExp=treat.fibro$Amean,tstat=treat.fibro$t, pvalue=treat.fibro$p.value, fdr=fdr.fibro)

fdr.immune <- apply(treat.immune$p.value, 2, function(x) p.adjust(x, method="BH"))
output.immune <- data.frame(treat.immune$genes,LogFC=treat.immune$coefficients,AveExp=treat.immune$Amean,tstat=treat.immune$t, pvalue=treat.immune$p.value, fdr=fdr.immune)

fdr.neurons <- apply(treat.neurons$p.value, 2, function(x) p.adjust(x, method="BH"))
output.neurons <- data.frame(treat.neurons$genes,LogFC=treat.neurons$coefficients,AveExp=treat.neurons$Amean,tstat=treat.neurons$t, pvalue=treat.neurons$p.value, fdr=fdr.neurons)

fdr.smc <- apply(treat.smc$p.value, 2, function(x) p.adjust(x, method="BH"))
output.smc <- data.frame(treat.smc$genes,LogFC=treat.smc$coefficients,AveExp=treat.smc$Amean,tstat=treat.smc$t, pvalue=treat.smc$p.value, fdr=fdr.smc)
# Standard limma analysis with no fold change cut-off
# Cardiomyocytes
for(i in 1:ncol(fit.cardio)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Endothelium
for(i in 1:ncol(fit.endo)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Pericyte
for(i in 1:ncol(fit.peri)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Fibroblasts
for(i in 1:ncol(fit.fibro)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Immune
for(i in 1:ncol(fit.immune)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Neurons
for(i in 1:ncol(fit.neurons)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# smooth muscle cells
for(i in 1:ncol(fit.smc)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# TREAT analysis with log-fold change cut-off of 0.5
# Cardiomyocytes
for(i in 1:ncol(treat.cardio)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Endothelium
for(i in 1:ncol(treat.endo)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Pericyte
for(i in 1:ncol(treat.peri)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Fibroblasts
for(i in 1:ncol(treat.fibro)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Immune
for(i in 1:ncol(treat.immune)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# Neurons
for(i in 1:ncol(treat.neurons)){
            row.names = FALSE)

# smooth muscle cells
for(i in 1:ncol(treat.smc)){
            row.names = FALSE)

R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /hpc/software/installed/R/4.1.2/lib64/R/lib/
LAPACK: /hpc/software/installed/R/4.1.2/lib64/R/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] dplyr_1.0.8                 clustree_0.4.4             
 [3] ggraph_2.0.5                ggplot2_3.3.5              
 [5] NMF_0.23.0                  bigmemory_4.5.36           
 [7] cluster_2.1.2               rngtools_1.5.2             
 [9] pkgmaker_0.32.2             registry_0.5-1             
[11] scran_1.22.1                scuttle_1.4.0              
[13] SingleCellExperiment_1.16.0 SummarizedExperiment_1.24.0
[15] GenomicRanges_1.46.1        GenomeInfoDb_1.30.1        
[17] DelayedArray_0.20.0         MatrixGenerics_1.6.0       
[19] matrixStats_0.61.0          Matrix_1.4-0               
[21] cowplot_1.1.1               SeuratObject_4.0.4         
[23] Seurat_4.1.0              
[25] AnnotationDbi_1.56.2        IRanges_2.28.0             
[27] S4Vectors_0.32.3            Biobase_2.54.0             
[29] BiocGenerics_0.40.0         RColorBrewer_1.1-2         
[31] edgeR_3.36.0                limma_3.50.1               
[33] workflowr_1.7.0            

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] utf8_1.2.2                reticulate_1.24          
  [3] tidyselect_1.1.2          RSQLite_2.2.10           
  [5] htmlwidgets_1.5.4         grid_4.1.2               
  [7] BiocParallel_1.28.3       Rtsne_0.15               
  [9] munsell_0.5.0             ScaledMatrix_1.2.0       
 [11] codetools_0.2-18          ica_1.0-2                
 [13] statmod_1.4.36            future_1.24.0            
 [15] miniUI_0.1.1.1            withr_2.4.3              
 [17] spatstat.random_2.1-0     colorspace_2.0-3         
 [19] highr_0.9                 knitr_1.37               
 [21] rstudioapi_0.13           ROCR_1.0-11              
 [23] tensor_1.5                listenv_0.8.0            
 [25] git2r_0.29.0              GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.7   
 [27] polyclip_1.10-0           farver_2.1.0             
 [29] bit64_4.0.5               rprojroot_2.0.2          
 [31] parallelly_1.30.0         vctrs_0.3.8              
 [33] generics_0.1.2            xfun_0.29                
 [35] doParallel_1.0.17         R6_2.5.1                 
 [37] graphlayouts_0.8.0        rsvd_1.0.5               
 [39] locfit_1.5-9.4            bitops_1.0-7             
 [41] spatstat.utils_2.3-0      cachem_1.0.6             
 [43] assertthat_0.2.1          promises_1.2.0.1         
 [45] scales_1.1.1              gtable_0.3.0             
 [47] beachmat_2.10.0           globals_0.14.0           
 [49] processx_3.5.2            goftest_1.2-3            
 [51] tidygraph_1.2.0           rlang_1.0.1              
 [53] splines_4.1.2             lazyeval_0.2.2           
 [55] spatstat.geom_2.3-2       yaml_2.3.5               
 [57] reshape2_1.4.4            abind_1.4-5              
 [59] httpuv_1.6.5              tools_4.1.2              
 [61] gridBase_0.4-7            ellipsis_0.3.2           
 [63] spatstat.core_2.4-0       jquerylib_0.1.4          
 [65] ggridges_0.5.3            Rcpp_1.0.8               
 [67] plyr_1.8.6                sparseMatrixStats_1.6.0  
 [69] zlibbioc_1.40.0           purrr_0.3.4              
 [71] RCurl_1.98-1.6            ps_1.6.0                 
 [73] rpart_4.1.16              deldir_1.0-6             
 [75] viridis_0.6.2             pbapply_1.5-0            
 [77] zoo_1.8-9                 ggrepel_0.9.1            
 [79] fs_1.5.2                  magrittr_2.0.2           
 [81] data.table_1.14.2         scattermore_0.8          
 [83] lmtest_0.9-39             RANN_2.6.1               
 [85] whisker_0.4               fitdistrplus_1.1-6       
 [87] patchwork_1.1.1           mime_0.12                
 [89] evaluate_0.15             xtable_1.8-4             
 [91] gridExtra_2.3             compiler_4.1.2           
 [93] tibble_3.1.6              KernSmooth_2.23-20       
 [95] crayon_1.5.0              htmltools_0.5.2          
 [97] mgcv_1.8-39               later_1.3.0              
 [99] tidyr_1.2.0               DBI_1.1.2                
[101] tweenr_1.0.2              MASS_7.3-55              
[103] cli_3.2.0                 parallel_4.1.2           
[105] metapod_1.2.0             igraph_1.2.11            
[107] bigmemory.sri_0.1.3       pkgconfig_2.0.3          
[109] getPass_0.2-2             plotly_4.10.0            
[111] spatstat.sparse_2.1-0     foreach_1.5.2            
[113] bslib_0.3.1               dqrng_0.3.0              
[115] XVector_0.34.0            stringr_1.4.0            
[117] callr_3.7.0               digest_0.6.29            
[119] sctransform_0.3.3         RcppAnnoy_0.0.19         
[121] spatstat.data_2.1-2       Biostrings_2.62.0        
[123] rmarkdown_2.12.1          leiden_0.3.9             
[125] uwot_0.1.11               DelayedMatrixStats_1.16.0
[127] shiny_1.7.1               lifecycle_1.0.1          
[129] nlme_3.1-155              jsonlite_1.8.0           
[131] BiocNeighbors_1.12.0      viridisLite_0.4.0        
[133] fansi_1.0.2               pillar_1.7.0             
[135] lattice_0.20-45           KEGGREST_1.34.0          
[137] fastmap_1.1.0             httr_1.4.2               
[139] survival_3.3-0            glue_1.6.2               
[141] iterators_1.0.14          png_0.1-7                
[143] bluster_1.4.0             bit_4.0.4                
[145] ggforce_0.3.3             stringi_1.7.6            
[147] sass_0.4.0                blob_1.2.2               
[149] BiocSingular_1.10.0       memoise_2.0.1            
[151] irlba_2.3.5               future.apply_1.8.1